Chapter 30: Video Voyeur

Começar do início

Knox shook his head. "No."

"Because of me and my ghosts or because you couldn't believe that your beloved Jessica would do such a thing?"

Knox squeezed her hand. "I told you I'm over her. Listen, we need to get this straight. Once we agreed to date, there's no one else for me. You probably don't know this but when I fall in love, I fall fast and hard. There's no one else but you."

Nessa's eyes widened. "You're in love with me?"

He cursed under his breath. "I wanted you to say it first."

"Too late. Out with it. Do you love me?"

"I do. I'm not even sure when it started but I think it was when I saw you in that dinosaur outfit pretending like it wasn't humiliating to see your ex with his new girlfriend."

"But you were so mean to me!"

Knox shrugged. "I told you I wasn't sure about it. Then there's the fact that you always stand up to me and you always do the most unexpected things. I admire you not wanting to live off your parents. I adore you for standing up for me, not only to the police but to the Spencers."

"I can't believe you're saying this to me," Nessa admitted. "It feels so surreal."

"Also, you're sexy as hell in a hula girl outfit."

Nessa giggled.

"Does it make me a pervert for thinking you're sexy in this hospital gown too?" Knox asked.


Knox laughed. "Nessa, I think it's safe to say you are officially in here." He pointed to his heart. "After Jessica left me, I was devastated. I thought I was in love and she had broken my heart but I was wrong. I was infatuated with her and the idea of her but she wasn't good for me. I worry about you. I get offended on your behalf if someone talks badly of you. I want to protect you. I want to hold you in my arms."

Nessa choked back her tears.

Knox continued speaking. "When I started drinking, it wasn't just because of Jessica but because of me. What kind of man was I to let a woman treat me like garbage and stay with her?"

"You're someone who loves with everything he's got, Knox. You're smart, passionate, and sexy as hell," she said, mimicking his words from earlier. "It's the reason I've always admired you."

"Always?" Knox's brow rose.


"Since when?"

"Since when have I admired you?" Nessa repeated.

Knox nodded.

"Hmmm...well two years ago, I noticed how sexy you were after I accidentally pulled down your pants." She giggled.

"My pants pervert."

"It was an accident," she reminded him. "But meeting you and getting to know you better has taught me a lot about you. I'm honored to be your girlfriend and the woman you love. You do realize that my love is selfish, right? We've talked about this."

"Yes, we have."

"Honestly, I think you're the best man I know. You don't mess around when it comes to love. You don't play games like Tate did."

"Hey, the rules, remember?" Knox pointed a finger at her when she mentioned Tate.

"Sorry, but it's true. The way I feel for you has been getting stronger every day and it scares me."

"Scares you? Why?"

"Because the reason we're together is because women are being murdered. I wouldn't have had to be your alibi and we wouldn't have gotten closer if it weren't for those dead women."

Forever in Your Deadly HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora