Chapter 30: Video Voyeur

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Nessa awoke in a hospital bed with an IV in her right arm and a sleeping Knox clutching her left hand

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Nessa awoke in a hospital bed with an IV in her right arm and a sleeping Knox clutching her left hand. She fidgeted in bed, causing him to wake up.

"Hey, you," his groggy voice whispered.

"Hey, you," she echoed back.

"How are you feeling?"

"Confused. Why am I in the hospital?" Nessa asked.

"You don't remember what happened?"

She frowned, her face pinching as she tried to remember. "I remember us going to my apartment. I don't remember anything after that."

"We aren't sure what happened but we think someone tried to kill you again. I found you on your bed and your mattress was on fire. Your apartment door was open.," Knox explained. "Luckily, it was a small fire and your neighbor put it out."

Nessa looked down at her arms.

"The fire didn't touch you but it was a close call," Knox said.

"You're like a real-life superhero," Nessa said, her eyes taking in the room.

"I do feel like Batman lately with how many times I've had to save you," he joked.

"Not Superman?"

"Batman is rich like me." he grinned.

"But Superman had Lois Lane," Nessa argued.

"You can be my Catwoman," Knox offered, causing Nessa to frown.

"Catwoman was a villain," she pouted.

"So are you." Knox kissed her hand. "You're the thief who stole my heart, remember?"

Nessa rolled her eyes, biting back a smile. "That's so cheesy but I'll forgive you because they've clearly given me some pain meds in this IV."

"Nessa? What happened in your bedroom? I left you alone for five minutes and all hell broke loose."

"I don't know." Nessa closed her eyes.

"Your sheets were on fire. The police think someone had been hiding in your bedroom, waiting for you."

"That's crazy," she whispered. "Who would do such a thing? And why?"

"They think it has to do with me," Knox admitted. "They think someone is trying to hurt all the women close to me or who have come into contact with me."

"That's insane."

"They think it's Jessica."

Nessa shook her head. "No, I told you it can't be! She-"

Knox grabbed her hand. "Shhh...I know but don't get overexcited. You've been through a lot the past few days. I'm just telling you what they told me."

"Do you believe them?"

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