Chapter 2: Peanut Butter Almost Murder

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There are worse things than talking to the dead--like talking to the living

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There are worse things than talking to the dead--like talking to the living.

Sitting in a dark backroom of a coffee shop, Nessa Cruz leaned forward in her chair. The curtain of dark hair hiding her face bounced as she moved her head from side to side, mumbling incoherently.

Across from her, sat a man wearing a flamboyant silk parrot-patterned dress shirt. An expensive-looking coat clung to the back of his chair. His leg bounced in annoyance as he spoke on the phone.

"Can't you wait for me to get there? I'm in the middle of something," the man snapped.

The woman on the other line whined, "You said you were bringing me a latte, Gregorio. Where are you?"

The man named Gregorio twitched his mouth, making his uneven mustache dance. "A coffee shop. This place has an in-house psychic and I'm testing it out. If it's fake, I'm blasting them on social media."

Nessa slammed her palms against the table, causing Gregorio to jump.

"Gregorio, Petey is gone. You know psychics aren't real," the woman scolded.

"Yes, I know they're all frauds and scammers but I want to try," Gregorio pouted.

"So, why are you wasting your money on one? I'm thirsty and waiting. Is a dead parrot more important than I am?"

"I'm still wondering that myself," Gregorio huffed before disconnecting the call.

"The birds are watching. Birds. Parrots. I see it. One parrot. The parrot is flying," Nessa said in a strangled voice.

"Is it Petey?" Gregorio leaned forward against the table displaying Nessa's purple crystal ball. "Does he miss me? Hurry, I must know!"

Nessa lifted her brown eyes to squint at the parrot pin adorning  Gregorio's collar. Her head tilted to one side before she made a squawking sound and screeched, "Petey miss Gregoriooo!"

"Petey! It is you!"

Nessa jumped on her chair and flapped her arms while squawking. "Petey miss Gregoriooo!"

"Petey! I missed you!" The man jumped forward, and Nessa slapped him over the head while waving her arms in the air like wings.

Gregorio dodged another blow before grabbing one of Nessa's hands. "Petey, it's me! It's Gregorio!"

Nessa inhaled sharply as her convulsing body jumped back and she slumped down in her seat.

"The connection is broken," Nessa moaned, her eyes closed.

"What? No! Please, I miss my parrot Petey so much. I just want to talk to him again. He was my emotional support bird," Gregorio explained.

Nessa nodded. "Yes, I understand. Unfortunately, I cannot control the ghosties. Maybe you can stop by another day? I'm usually here at Candi's Coffee in the morning."

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