Chapter 28: Jessica's Revenge

Start from the beginning

"Because I'm fine," Nessa answered.

"Have you seen yourself?" Edward asked. "You're definitely not fine." He turned to Knox. "I should've known you had something to do with this."

"I can't believe you!" Nessa stood up. "Knox hasn't done anything. Some random weirdo attacked me. Maybe because he thought I was rich. That would be your fault by the way because I'm not rich, you are. I'm fine. I'm perfectly fine. I mean...I feel a little woozy, but who wouldn't? And I'm stressed because now I owe Candi a new car and I have no way to pay for that. Am I going to have to get a second job as a dinosaur again?"

"I'll buy her a damned car." Edward pulled Nessa into a hug. "Why are you worrying about foolish things?"

"Because because I'm scared," Nessa admitted. "My ghosties told me to be careful but I didn't listen to them and now—"

"Enough with the ghosts," Edward said, his frustration clear in his tone.

Nessa stepped back. "It's true."

Edward stole a glance at the police officer. "Now, isn't the time."

Nessa made a scoffing sound. "Even after what just happened, you're going to make me pretend they're not real?"

"It's not that. It's just—"

"Forget it. I just wish you wouldn't make me feel ashamed of who I am."


"Forget it. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm fine and Knox and I are leaving. Thank you for coming. Please tell mom I'm okay."

"Are you sure you want to leave?" Knox asked.

"I'm positive." Nessa continued walking past an angry Edward who was muttering something about stubborn women under his breath.

"Nessa, you should really talk it out with him," Knox suggested once they were back at his hotel suite.

"Why? So he can try and tell me how to live my life?"

"No, because he's your dad and he's worried. I heard you tell him you were scared."

Nessa shrugged. "So?"

"Maybe we should look into getting you a bodyguard. A real bodyguard."

"Why? I'm just your secretary."

Knox frowned. "I thought we were going to start dating."

Nessa was sitting on the bed and turned away. "I don't know if that's a good idea. I have very high standards and you may not be able to live up to them."

A chuckle escaped Knox's lips before he responded, "Fair enough. Let's hear them."

"I expect presents on the regular."

"On the regular?" Knox's brow rose. "What exactly does that mean?"

"On a regular basis."

"Fair enough. What kind of presents?"

Nessa grinned. "Anything. Surprise me."

"No, you have to be specific. If I got you a bag of chocolate covered crickets, you may not like that."

"No, I'd probably hate that." Nessa laughed. "Fine, I like candy, flowers, know, the normal stuff."

"Done. Is that it?"

Nessa shook her head. "No, I don't want you to force me into being someone I'm not. I won't always be dressed like some kind of supermodel. I won't always fix my hair. I may not even brush it every day. Whatever fantasy you have of me being some kind of fancy woman who can be your trophy girlfriend should be stopped."

"I've seen you dressed in a dinosaur costume. I've never once considered you a trophy girlfriend," Knox said wryly.

Nessa pursed her lips and her eyes narrowed. "I'll pretend you just didn't insult me. Which leads to my next condition. You can't be mean to me. That means you can't insult me and you have to stand up for me anytime someone else does too."

"Done. Any other conditions?"

"You can't chew food with your mouth open. It's a deal breaker for me."

Knox hid his grin. "Only savages eat with their mouths open. What else?"

"I refuse to play second fiddle to anyone...even your first love. You need to put Jessica behind you. Do you think you can do that?"

Knox stared at her and lifted a finger to her busted lip. "I'd kiss you right now but I bet it'd hurt."

"Love is pain," Nessa whispered.

"Not always."

"In my experience it is."

Knox kissed her forehead. "Hopefully, I'll be able to show you otherwise."

The sound of his phone going off interrupted them. Knox answered, "Jason, this better be important."

"It is. I just met with Chrissy."


"She's unconscious and bleeding.. The police and ambulance are here. She had an X carved in her chest. I think whoever did this thought she was dead and took off."

Knox stole a peek at Nessa who was watching him with curious eyes.

"There's more," Jason said.


"Before the ambulance got here, she kept whispering something to me."

"Just spit it out, Jason! What was she whispering?"

"Jessica," Jason answered. "She kept whispering, 'Jessica.'"

"That's not strange," Knox acknowledged. "She was there because of Jessica."

"No, you don't understand. Before she said Jessica's name, I asked her a question," Jason explained.

Already irritated with the day's events, Knox demanded to know, "What did you ask her?"

"I saw her on the ground and asked," Jason explained. "I asked, 'Who did this to you?'"

 "I asked, 'Who did this to you?'"

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