You sit up from the ground, as Pale runs off. Neyt is on his way to help you up, when Tsu'ti comes riding up to you. Seeing her, you sigh.

"You should go away." She tells you.

"Nah, you'd miss me." You tell her. "I knew you could speak English."

You try to get the mud off yourself as she laughs at you. She then turns to Neyt, speaking in Na'vi to him.

You try to get mud out of your mouth as they speak.

Neyt eyes were on you the whole time, before he chuckled softly and smack Tsu'ti's direhorse for her to leave.

Tsu'ti grunts in anger and leaves.

"Again." Neyt tells you.


(Scene with Y/N and Quaritch.)

"What else can you tell us about the structure?" Quaritch asks you.

Max comes up the stair and stops when he hears you.

"I'm guessing this is secondary ring, that's also load-bearing." You tell him.


"So, where are we going?" You ask, wheeling into the lab.

Max glances at you with slight disapproval and continues helping Grace pack up.

"Getting out of dodge. I'm not about to let Seilfridge and Quaritch micro-manage this thing. There's a mobile link up at Site 26 we can work out of, way up in the mountains."

"The Hallelujah Mountains?" Norm asks.

"That's right."

"Are you serious?"


"Yes!" Norm laughs happily and then sees your questioning look. "The legendary floating mountains of Pandora. Heard of them?" He asks sarcastically and you give him an unimpressed look.


(Flying to the Hallelujah Mountains.)

"We're getting close." Grace tells you.

"Yeah, look at my instruments." Trudy says and you glance over norms shoulders, seeing them glitching.

"Yep. We're in the Flux Vortex."

"We're VFR from here on."

"What's VFR?"

"Means you gotta see where you're going."

You're surrounded by fog as you look out the window right now.

"Can't see anything." Norm says.

"Exactly." Trudy chuckles. "Ain't that a bitch?"

(Flying through the floating mountains.)

"Oh. My. God." Norm says looking around in awe when you fly out of the fog.

You look around with the same expression, seeing the mountains floating around. Trudy laughs.

"You should see your faces." She says.


(Arriving at Site 26.)


You look at the pictures on the fridge door. Recognising one face in particular, Neyt.

"Grace didn't miss a thing. She knew I was talking to the Colonel. But I had what she needed, a way back in with the clan, so she's playing nice."

Neyt is smiling to the camera, with his arm slung over a younger girl who looks to have a lot of similar features as him. But you haven't seen her around the village.

(Might add a part about Grace telling about what happened to Neyt's sister. If I can find the deleted scene somewhere.)

"Alright. Y/N, hang a left. You'll be at the link at the end. Unit one. Beulah. She's the least glitchy."


You run up Hometree, trying to keep up with Neyt. Panting you stop a few feet behind him as he looks around making a noise. You bend down holding your knees as you pant.

A dragon like creature appears and you step back in surprise, looking up at it in awe.

"Do not look him in the eye." Neyt tells you.

You look down, but find it hard to not stare at the incredible creature.

"Seyzey." He gives him a treat, speaking softly to him in Na'vi and the creature purrs.

"Ikran is not horse." Neyt tells you. He takes his braid up to Seyzey's tendril. "Once shahaylu is made, ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life."

He tightens the ikrans saddle and climbs it.

"To become Taronyu, hunter, you must choose your own ikran and she must choose you."

You nod excitedly.

"When?" You ask and Newt smiles a bit at your excitement.

"When you are ready." He tells you and jump down the branch with Seyzey.

Watching them fly, you can't help but stare in awe.

He then turns and flies toward you. The ikran squawks and you dive down on the branch to avoid it and turn around watching after it as he flies. You see Neyt turn and laugh. You chuckle at antics.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin