So Alone

159 5 18

Izuku's pov
After years of being stock here all new in this void, I started to not feel like myself, my eyes started to glow a bright green, i started to realize that everything was different after grabbing that heart

Looking into my pockets I found the rusty knife I had, my phone and a small picture of me and frisk on our first date

the photo was colorless but it used to have color... Things do truly change after time I guess.
Checking my knife


*Rusty knife    +25 atk   +poison*
*This knife has seen better days, the rust is poisonous and painful, slash type weapon*

The information provided to me by frisk's soul was useful, checking the sweater she gifted me for my birthday was cool too


*Lovely sweater   +30 df   +hatred stat, this sweater was gifted to you by your lover, you feel the love behind it, +10 more def if stat is Lonely*

Seems like the sweater and knife had stats too, not only I have stats

*Name: "Izuku Midoriya"*

*Lv: 10*
*HP 73/112*

*Atk:32(25)     Exp:1400*
*Df:2(30)          Next:700*

*Weapon: rusty knife*
*Armor: lovely sweater*

*Yen: 18225    gold: 6350   kills: 0?*


For some reason my stats are high even if I didn't do anything, I just sat here for years and the level went up slightly after time

Suddenly there were foot steps behind me, did someone finally find me?, are they here to help?

I turned around with haste and was met with someone, they were a skeleton, black bones, black jacket with red eyes sockets and one eye with yellow and blue colors and errors all over his body

I didn't know what to do, he just stands there with a smile and looked confused

Error:"well, well, well what do we have here?" he spoke with glitches in his voice, I looked at him with confusion (I'm not doing his glitch talking)

Error:"seems like we got some stragglers" he made a dragon skull appear or is it a dog's I don't know

I didn't know what to do but something tells me not to get hit by that skull, the skull opened it's jaw with a sphere of energy inside shooting a beam of light at me

I rolled out of the way, he seemed amused by my reaction


*Sans atk:?? DF:??, the AU destroyer, he fears nothing... Maybe... Ok he fears haphephobia*

Error:"A check?, strange they would mostly attack" he muttered to himself

He attacked again, this time with strings, I tried to dodge them but one latched onto me, he tugged onto the string taking a red heart out leaving cuts

That wasn't my soul it was frisk's, I panicked trying to grab onto her but it was taken from me

Error:"seems your soul is determination" he ties the soul to one of his strings before sending it into a portal thing...

He stopped to watch me, confused about why I'm not dying yet, he took her soul... I felt... empty all of a sudden

Izuku:"you took her" I whispered, he seemed confused, looks like he didn't hear me
Izuku:"you took her" I said again, still confused about what I was talking about

Error:"what do you mean" his glitching voice carried confusion and curiosity
Izuku:"you took my frisk!" I yelled, he flinched back slightly before recomposing himself

Suddenly there was  a voice, soft and reminded me of her, a faded colored frisk appeared out of nowhere, her eyes were empty black voids and her clothes and skin were a gray and black color

Frisk?:"error leave him alone please, I wanted to bring him to the omega timeline" she looked at the skeleton with a slight smile

Error:"he should be dead by now, his universe was destroyed and I took his soul and he's still alive?, that just doesn't make any sense" he said with a shrug

Frisk?:"most of the multiverse doesn't make sense remember?" She said as it's the most obvious thing in the world

Error took a moment to think befoee responding
Error:"well your not wrong, but he's an anomaly and it's my job to erase then" he pointed a blaster in my direction

Frisk?:"I'll take it from here ok?" He nodded before retreating into a portal

Izuku:"get back here you basterd!" I tried to chase him but he was gone before I could reach him

Falling to my knees with tears in my eyes, black tears flowing from my wounds, healing me, I felt rage and hatred towards him

The Frisk stands next to me with her arm out stretched but I didn't take it

Frisk?:"if you want a home you can stay in the Omega Timeline, with others like you, people that lost everything and are just trying to get through their live living it" the offer was tempting but it was not what I wanted, I wanted my frisk back... But that can't happen ever...

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