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NATASHA made her way down to Katerina's floor, unlocking the bedroom door and finding her sister sitting in the same spot she had been when Carson left. As much as she hated the man for his obviously horrid intentions, she knew her sister loved him like a brother and him saying he wouldn't ever leave her again and then leaving took an obvious toll on her.

"Kat," she said softly, sitting down on the bed and looking at her sister who had yet to look up at her. "I'm sorry he left."

Katerina didn't say anything, still staring out of the window with a blank look on her face. Natasha didn't even know if Katerina had heard her.

"I should have known he was leaving," Katerina said, her voice quiet, still not looking at her sister. "He left me before, why wouldn't he leave me now?"


"Everyone leaves. You and Yelena left me. Melina and Alexei left me. None of you found me. Not until twenty-five years later and here we are, complete strangers once again."

"Kat, we fought to get to you that night. We didn't want to leave you. We begged and pleaded and tried to get to you but they were so much stronger than we were back then. They took you away before I could get to you."

"I wish you hadn't found me."

The words cut deep into Natasha and her heart ached as she looked at her baby sister, but she swallowed the pain and slid off of the bed, sitting down in front of Katerina and gently shifting her chin so that Katerina was looking at her.

"I don't. I don't regret a single thing. I found you, and I know it may have been twenty-five years later but after all those years of searching I found you. You are my sister, and I love you no matter who you think you are."

"He left me," Katerina said, her voice cracking, pain shimmering in her eyes for the first time. "He said he wouldn't leave me and he left me."

Before either of them could say another word, Natasha wrapped her arms tightly around Katerina, pulling her into her embrace like a mother would her daughter. Katerina tensed, her entire body going rigid, but Natasha didn't let go, only holding her tighter.

It wasn't long before Katerina had melted into the embrace, holding her sister back just as tightly.

Natasha's heart was beating so fast she thought it might explode out of her chest.

After twenty-five years, she was finally hugging her sister again.

"I'm so sorry," Natasha murmured, stroking Katerina's head. "I'm so sorry I didn't fight harder that night. I'm so sorry I didn't get to you in time."

Katerina pulled away from Natsha, looking at her.

"Promise me you won't leave me?"

The question broke Natasha's heart even more as she nodded her head furiously.

"I promise. I won't leave you ever again, Kat."

The assassin seemed to contemplate Natasha's response before she looked away once again and out of the window.

"I don't know how to be someone to rely on, Natalia. I'm not- I'm not good." Katerina didn't meet Natasha's eyes, only stiffening under the redhead's hand as she gently grabbed hers.

"You are, Kat. You are good. Don't tell yourself you're not. I'll show you how to be someone to rely on, okay? I'll help you, I promise."

Something seemed to flip in Katerina, and a moment later she was pulling her hand out of Natasha's grasp and her face had gone emotionless once again.

𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐃 - 𝐖. 𝐌𝐚𝐱𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐟𝐟 Where stories live. Discover now