Astronomically Accidental Airborne Asshole -Madelyn Watson-

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-Madelyn Watson-

~Wednesday Night~

Going back upstairs from Severus' room had been difficult. How she had longed to stay in his arms. She felt so safe there. She was surprised to find out she felt safe there even completely bare. That man made her heart race and yet made her feel so calm, so comfortable.

When she had returned to her room, her friends had been winding down, laying in their beds and talking with low candle lights flickering.

"OOOH! Look who's in WAY after curfew," Bethany smiled.

"You went to say hello and have a chat before bed over an hour ago," Caroline smirked.

Madelyn smiled at the teasing and got into her bed amongst them. "I am not going to live up here much longer, ladies. Downstairs is... surprisingly... excellent." This elicited a round of mad giggling.

"Not all the way yet, I'm guessing, or you wouldn't have returned," Liz guessed.

"Nope. Not yet... But... oh my.... God." Madelyn confessed without confessing anything. The squeals felt with her, not at her tonight.

"Rate it out of ten. Whatever happened you don't have to say," Liz asked.

"Fifteen," Madelyn sighed happily and they all giggled.

"Please tell me this is largely because his meticulous attention to detail he uses in his craft is also applicable to the bedroom, and his observing eyes have found how to push your buttons?" Hortencia wagered.

"Oh, most assuredly," Madelyn answered, giggling in pretend formality. It was easier to talk about when it was dark and she was looking at her canopy.

"I'm a little jealous," Norah said from the other side of the room. "You're set. Love for life. And... you get to have sex." That was a surprising admission from the group mom. She never offered much in the intimate talks about her sex drive or anything like that.

"You'll all find the right person for that eventually. Don't covet me too much, this has all been very public and embarrassing. But the private moments are... truly magnificent," Madelyn responded.

"Is he... gentle? Like... he doesn't rush you... does he?" Liz asked. This question betrayed a little of Liz's past. She was the only one who had had sex. Her boyfriend at Hogwarts had been two years older, and they knew that for all her bravado, her punk you-can't-tell-me-what-to-do attitude, she had had difficulty with him at times with pressuring her forward. When he was in seventh year and they were still in fifth he had talked her into it, and they had all watched their normally strong friend buckle under his constant whining and pleading. While she had come to like the act, they had all been very concerned she was being taken advantage of in the beginning.

"He's like the opposite of that. He is trying so hard to savour things, and take things slow, and it's just at odds with the way our bond makes us feel. He's trying harder than me to slow things down," she answered honestly because she knew that Liz had asked out of real concern.

"He is very measured. What did you do to pull him into sin?" Hortencia teased.

"Scratched the back of his scalp as I told him I missed him."

"That would do it..." she breathed back in excitement.

"Well... I have a breakfast date with an irresistible man so I'm going to blow my candle out now."

Goodnights floated round the room as the candles flicked out. Madelyn fell into a blissful sleep thinking about all the delicious things that had happened in Severus' room.

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