Shivered Surrender -Madelyn Watson-

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Madelyn Watson

Saturday Afternoon

It should not have been a surprise to find Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey waiting for them in the courtyard when Madelyn and Severus returned from the hot spring. The long mated pair's questions overlapped each other's.

"Did she have a solution?" Poppy asked louder, shushing her mate with a hand.

"Yes. We just had a nice dip in some pink water. She gave us a shampoo to cloud Watson's inner eye temporarily and now... we have begun shivering, so if you'll excuse us we shall require 26 hours alone." Severus answered hurriedly, grabbing Madelyn's hand and guiding her toward the doors and away from the very excited faces that sprang from concern to giddiness over the course of his sentence.

"What is the wreath for?" Minerva asked, following hot on their heels despite Severus's rushed pace.

"To stave off the last part of the process until we are secluded." He was being quite short in his tone, and answering for her. It felt... protective, the way he was trying to get her safely to his room. Still the intrusive fear that they may any second lose control of themselves loomed large in her mind and caused her to squeeze his hand a little tighter.

"Which herbs did she use for your bath?" Poppy asked.

"She has requested as payment that you and Minerva attend her cottage for a dinner party. I suggest you ask her yourself. She did seem to have a great volume of knowledge of how mating intersects with other magical gifts. You will doubtless talk for hours." Severus answered, defaulting to sarcasm, in a way Madelyn was growing to understand was a defensive strategy.

As they reached the steps down to the dungeon Madelyn tried to stop him "I should get some things from my room."

"We actually got a little hopeful the hot spring would speed your mating bond, and have taken the liberty of leaving a gift basket for the both of you in Severus' rooms. It should have everything you need." Poppy offered with a smile. They were all lightly panting trying to keep stride with Severus. Madelyn was a little embarrassed how quickly he was dragging her to his bedroom, it gave the wrong impression. She knew he was doing it for her, ever since he had seen her nervousness about the final symptom on her face he had flown into action to get her safe and comfortable.

Madelyn had held that wreath firmly to her head the entire trip, scared of it falling off. Finally they reached the door to Severus' chambers and he turned on his heel, putting his body between hers and the two ladies, tucking Madelyn against his door. "This is where we leave you. Please. We'll see you when we see you." His jaw sounded tight.

"Best of luck and congratulations." Poppy said with a smile. Minerva Mcgonagall was crying. Madelyn's jaw almost fell open.

"I'm so happy for you, Severus." Minerva managed before her mate dragged her away.

Then Madelyn was inside his sitting room and the door was closed. Immediately she felt almost sick to her stomach. So many overwhelming things were swimming up inside her. "Let's see what the old ladies have gifted us," he joked, he was being so soft. She could tell how carefully he was observing her.

They stepped up to the gift basket in question. Two sets of nice night clothes. New cotton pajamas for him in black with a fine green piping around the edges. Hers was a nightgown with lace in the shape of daisies. The straps were a single row of the cotton lace flowers and they covered the entire bust, but from there down it was semi sheer cotton lawn that trailed to the floor. Holding the delicate thing in her fingers she shivered a little in spite of her crown. There was also a robe, thank goodness to cover the dainty thing.

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