Fuck off Sabrina!

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"Stacy, please. Open the door." She begged outside my door, fuck no I'm not opening the door, I don't wanna see that cunt again.
"No Sabrina.. no." I sobbed  leaning my head against the wall rethinking what just happened.
"I'll fucking open it myself then." I heard her mumble before the door unlocked, she looked me up and down, I saw the pain in her eyes.
"Stacy, you didn't... right?" She took my hand massaging it slightly.
"Just leave me alone." I got up quickly and walked past her before walking down the stairs wiping my tears. Fuck,fuck,fuck there he was. Aaron, that little bastard i'm gonna fucking kill him!

"What the fuck do you think your doing in my house still? GET THE FUCK OUT!" I screamed at him my eyes watering up again, I didn't wanna prove myself weak again.

"Oh Stacy, I know you liked it." His words felt like a stab in my chest, I felt like I couldn't breathe.
"I SAID GET OUT YOU BITCH!" I yelled again, a single tear running down my cheek now. I was getting more and more frustrated by every millisecond.

"Physco whore.." I heard him mumble on the way out. I really wanted to see him fucking dead.

About an hour later my dad came in my room, he knocked first then walked in.
"Saysay, can we talk?" That was my nickname.. he hasn't used that in years, I tried to not think much of it just nodded as a response, petting the cat for comfort.
He sat beside me on the bed and continued "So,uh your sister told me. What happend. And, I'm, uh, really sorry for you. Is there anything I can do to help?" He stroked my hair and just sat there comforting me.

"No. I dont think so." I said after a little while, I was unsure of what to do or say for that matter.
"Alright saysay, I love you more then anything. Okay? Always remember that."
"I love you too dad." I mumbled under my breathe, I think he still heard me.
"Okay baby. I'm gonna go pick up mum, you stay here with Sabrina and the cat." He smiled and got up stroking my hair one last time before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

I didn't even think of mum, she was always gone anyway. Dad worked all day too but atleast he came home. It's been like this since last year, before we moved. She seems distant, emotionally and physically. Something was just weird about her.
I tired to shove it out of my brain but I couldn't, I never really thought of why she never came home. She was always at work, from early morning to late night. I don't even remember last time I saw her at home at day time.

Right, fuck. School's tomorrow. We had a day off today because of some teacher meeting shit. I hated this fucking school. I just wish everything could go back to normal, mum Is home at normal times, I still have my friends, I live in Los Angeles. I hate everything here.

I decided to just sleep and wish for the best tomorrow. I don't even have the energy to think about this.

The next morning my alarm went off as always, I sat up in my bed and groaned before turning it off and walking over to my closet. I picked out the sluttiest clothes I had, a hot pink bebe crop top, with a pair of tiny jean shorts, of course they were low rise. I put them on and sat down at my vanity, doing some bold makeup and straightening my long hair as always. I posed a little in my mirror before walking downstairs.

Sabrina sat on the couch fidgeting with her nails
"You can not be wearing that, are you joking!" She laughed at me
"Sabrina shut the fuck up, leave me alone." I raised my voice at her

I walked over to the kitchen counter and grabbed a snack bar and quickly put it in my bag.
"You not gonna eat anything?" Sabrina asked looking at me anxiously.
"No, and can you stop asking me so many questions damn it!"
She'd sigh and resume to fidgeting with her nails.

"I'm going to school, bye." I'd say before opening the door and walking out.

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