The thought lingered in the air, a plausible explanation that added another layer to the complex puzzle of Meerab's emotions. Murtasim couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the story, yet the idea that homesickness or longing for familiar faces might be contributing to her melancholy resonated with him.

As the room held a hushed contemplation, Murtasim voiced the internal debate. "Do you think I should give her some space? Or I could ask her if she wants to go visit her father," he pondered, his gaze still drawn to Meerab through the window.

Farukh sighed, his eyes remaining fixed on Meerab, who seemed lost in her own thoughts. "I mean, sometimes, people do need space to sort through their thoughts, but they also need a reassurance that they're not alone. So, just let her know you're there for her if she wants to talk, without pressuring her."

Murtasim nodded, absorbing Farukh's words. "Yeah, I guess I'll do that."

Farukh, however, couldn't help but smile at his friend's unease. As his eyes shifted from Meerab to Murtasim, he noticed Murtasim still gazing at Meerab. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" Murtasim inquired as he sensed Farukh's eyes lingering over him.

"Well, it's cute," Farukh chuckled.

"What's cute?" Murtasim asked, genuinely perplexed, looking at Farukh with his brows furrowed.

"How you're worried about Meerab and how caring you look right now," Farukh explained, with a widest teasing smile on his face.

"What? I'm not worried. It's just that she's my wife, and as a husband, it's my responsibility to make sure she's alright," Murtasim insisted, emphasizing the word 'responsibility.'

"Oho, your wife and responsibility," Farukh teased with a playful grin. "You're so oblivious, Murtasim, it's almost funny."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Murtasim narrowed his eyes, confused by Farukh's comment.

As Farukh cheerfully hummed "Ho Gaya Hai Tujhko To Pyaar," the annoyance on Murtasim's face became evident. Murtasim, unable to suppress his irritation, interrupted Farukh's melody.

"Farukh, seriously, shut the hell up? You're getting on my nerves," Murtasim exclaimed, his patience wearing thin. 

Farukh, taken aback by the abrupt response, raised an eyebrow. "What, I just felt like singing a song. Why are you getting so defensive?"

"I'm going to throw out all the cheap trashy things you watch. Might as well toss you out with them," Murtasim retorted, his annoyance palpable. 

Undeterred by Murtasim's remark, Farukh continued to hum the song with a mischievous grin. The persistent melody only fueled Murtasim's irritation.

"Get out, you asshole," Murtasim demanded, frustration evident in his voice.

Farukh left the room with a smirk. Murtasim rubbed his temples, attempting to shake off the irritation that clung to him. As he sank back into the chair, Farukh cheekily peaked back into the room, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Lakh karle tu inkaar sajna," Farukh sang, his voice carrying the teasing notes of the song.

Murtasim, unable to suppress his annoyance, picked up the nearest pillow and threw it at Farukh, who skillfully dodged it, his laughter echoing down the hallway.

As Farukh finally disappeared from sight, Murtasim rolled his eyes and sighed. His mind, however, couldn't stay away from Meerab, the worries about her overshadowing the stupidity of Farukh's remark.


Ever since Meerab discovered the depth of her feelings for Murtasim, an unsettling restlessness settled within her. Deeply in love, she found herself at the mercy of emotions that both exhilarated and tormented her. The realization of her love was accompanied by the harsh truth that Murtasim's heart belonged to Mahi, a woman who had transcended the boundaries of their world, carrying his heart into realms beyond mortal reach.

The Eclipsed HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz