Chapter 15

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"You have to tell them, Becca," Luna says. "You have to report it to HR, atleast."

I sigh as I scroll on my phone but jump when it suddenly rings, Chan's name popping up on the screen. "Hello?"

"How's my babygirl doing?"

I glance at Luna, who gives me a a perplexed look at the blush forming on my cheeks. I clear my throat. "I'm good. How are you and the guys?"

"We're good, just chilling and relaxing. I'm actually working on a song in my room," he says. "How's the ankle?"

"I'm able to walk on it and besides," I look at Luna again. "I've got Luna to help me around and fetch me food."

"Is that Chan?" She asks.

"I wish I was there to help you." Gosh, his honey voice makes my stomach do somersaults. "I miss you."

"I know. I miss you all, too." I glare at Luna who's grinning from ear to ear.

He chuckles. "Luna's there, isn't she?"

"She is."

"Put me on speaker, please."

I raise an eyebrow. What is he about to do? "Okay..." I put my phone on speaker. "You're on speaker."

"Hi, Luna," he began. "I hope Becca isn't giving you too much trouble."

"Not really," she replies. "But she does talk about you a lot though. Even in her sleep."

"Yah!" I throw a cushion at her and it hits her right in the face while Chan laughs in the background.

"I guess that's a good thing?" Chan says, chuckling.

"Channie, not you too!" I protest and throw another cushion at Luna but she catches it this time, grinning back at me.

"I'm happy you're enjoying your break," Chan chuckles. There's sudden chatter in the background, sounding very familiar to Changbin and Han and I hear Chan sigh.

"Sounds like you've got your hands full," I giggle.

"Yeah." I hear some laughter and something thrown as Chan sighs again and loses it. "Would you please be quiet so I can talk to my girlfriend?!"

The time stops as does the smile on my face. Luna looks at me. The flush creeps up to my face and the other end goes absolutely quiet as well. You could hear a pin drop. Then it's all chaos. Han and Changbin start questioning him as Luna starts questioning me.

"What?! Since when are you two together?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Wahh, Channie hyung finally did it!"
"Becca! Why didn't you tell us?"

I groan as I take him off speaker phone. "Chan, I'll talk to you later." I hang up and get tackled by Luna. "Ow! Hey! Get off!"

"Not until you tell me how it happened," she wraps her arms tight around, caging me.

"Okay!" I surrender and she lets go of me. "It was a week later after I dyed my hair."

"Wait. That 2 weeks ago," she said, blinking. I could see gears turning in her head trying to do the math. "Who kissed who first?"

I blush. "Chan."

"Woo!" She cheers, clapping her hand and I laugh. "Is he a good kisser?" I throw another cushion at her, my cheeks burning. She laughs, taking the cushion and hugging it. "I'll take that as a yes."



The cat's out of the bag....Han and Changbin sit across from me, staring at me. Ugh, so much for keeping it a secret. Scrunching up my nose, I was getting tired of the stares. "Aish, mwo mwo? Wae?!"

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