Chapter 2

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"You can't be serious," I say to Luna.

"Why not? Give me one good reason why you don't want to."

I had arrived at her house an hour ago. I cried for the first 20 minutes but she quickly cheered me up with ice cream. Strawberry. My favorite flavor. And now she's telling me to take korean lessons and take makeup classes to get certifications.

"Luna," I sigh, stabbing the spoon into the tub of ice cream. "Why one earth would I do that? I don't have the money nor do I have the time." Which was true because with school and no job, I had no extra money to do anything else.

"Heat me out," Luna replies. "You can take the classes and work part-time. You can always take fewer classes for your school."

I look at her like she's grown horns on her head. "You're insane for even thinking this."

"Becca, I've known you since freshman year of high school. I know you're miserable in med school because it's what your dad is forcing you to do. The only time I've seen truly happy is when you're dancing and singing or when you were doing Ella's makeup." I go to protest but she holds her hand up. "You may become the best surgeon in the country but you won't be a happy one. You will always ask yourself that if you had taken that one step in the past, would your life be any different than it is now? Would you be happy? Would you be truly happy knowing you never took that step?"

Her questions hit like a brick. Blinking, I think about what she said. Picturing my future in my mind as a surgeon, I would be just a person working a job but I wouldn't be enjoying it. It would be me not living. It would just be me doing what my dad wants me to do.

Then I picture myself as an idol or as a makeup artist and all I see is a wide smile on my face. I see myself happy and living my life to the fullest. I look at Luna and realize something. In order to achieve my happiness, I need to let some things go. I scoff and look at her once again. "How do you know what to say every damn time?"

Luna smiles and walks over to where I'm sitting. "Because I'm always right." She winks at me and I laugh. "So are you going to do it?"

"I mean, am I wrong for wanting this? Maybe," I say nodding. "But do I want to do it? Yes. But I would need to figure out my school schedule and drop out of some classes first. And apply for a job." A piece of paper gets shoved in my face. I see it's an application form at the cafe she works at. "You have everything planned, don't you?"

"Mhm. And," Luna shoves another paper in front of me. "This."

"What's this?" I ask as I glance at the paper. "Another application?"

She rolls her eyes and says, "Just look at it."

I look down and it reads:

JYPE hiring MUAs for 2021!

Requirements: atleast 6 certifications as an MUA, including international. Please email for more info.

"So?" Luna asks.

I look up at her. I realize this may be my only choice to my freedom. But it would also mean I would be leaving my first dream. Then again, I enjoyed makeup more. And I was pretty good at it. "Is it crazy that I actually want to do this?"

"No," Luna smiles. "It just means you're ready to take that step towards your freedom."

I laugh. "Okay. Let's do this."


I do exactly what Luna told me to do. I drop out of a few classes and enroll in makeup classes and korean classes. I also got a part-time job at her cafe. It paid pretty well so that was a plus for me. I even opened a new bank account so Patricia won't have anything to hold against me like she usually does.

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