Chapter 7

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After the first concert, many concerts came along with it. Two months after the first, they started their first world tour and I had to go with them to all. There were only 1-2 months between that we got to come home but even then, the boys were busy making songs and practicing new choreography for their next album Go Live.

They all even changed their hair color. While 4-5/8 stayed a darker color, the others started off with vivid colors then turned to darker colors. Chan started with green and pink which ended up with black with red streaks on the front. It was a differnt look on all of them, espeically Chan. Personally, darker hair suited him best. It brought out his facial features more. As I was applying concealer under his eyes, he opened his eyes as if to say something. "Ah, sorry. Did I press too hard?"

"No. I had been meaning to tell you about the suggestion you told me about months ago. For my hands."

"Oh?" I resumed applying the concealer, covering his dark circles.

"I used a hand lotion and my hand had never been so smooth," he replies.

"Oh, I'm glad it worked out with you," I smile as my phone chimes for the 20th time today. Annoyed, I completely shut it off and put on the counter.

"Trouble in paradise?" Chan asks, his eyes following my every move as I set his under eyes with face powder.

"It's nothing," I lie.

But it wasn't a lie. For the past few days, dad had been trying to get in touch with me via email and now my phone has been ringing nonstop. I still don't know how he got a hold of my new phone number but considering how he snoops around, I wouldn't be surprised if that's how he got it. And honestly, I didn't have time for that kind of stress. I finish his face with makeup spray. "Done."

"Thanks," he smiles and leaves. Their performance went smoothly and when they were done, they packed up and left to do the rest of their schedules.


It was Sunday and I was getting annoyed at my phone for constantly ringing. "Oh for the love of god, pick up your phone!" Luna yells coming out from her room. I ignore her as my phone goes silent before my email notifications sound goes off. She sighs and picks up my phone. I hear her gasp and I look at her, confused.

"What is it?" I ask. She gives me my phone, sitting down beside me. I look down at my phone. It's an email from my dad's lawyer.

To Ms. Rebecca Greywood,

I hope this email finds you as your father has tried to get in contact with you many time regarding a confidential agreement. Below is the form that has been signed by your father, it just needs your signature to make it official. Please keep in mind that I'm only doing my job and I tried my best to make your dad re-think his options but he was adamant about this. Please forgive me.


I click on the document. "What the fuck?" He disowned me? That motherfucker disowned his only biological daughter? I feel my vision start to blur but I wipe my cheeks and look at Luna, who's surprised to see me cry. "My dad disowned me."

Her face softens as she hugs me. "Oh, Becca. I'm so sorry."

"I mean," I say, wiping my cheeks. "Who does that? To his own daughter."

"I know, honey. I know," she rubs my arms consoling me. "Let it out, I'm right here."

I angrily wipe my face. "No! I will not cry over a man who never once in his life saw me as his daughter. Who never told me he loved me. Never told me to have a good day. Never told me that it's okay to fail because failure wasn't a choice for him. I will not waste a second over a father who never even tried to contact ever since I've moved across countries and this," I point to my phone, "this is how he repays me." I write my signature on the document and send it back to Tim. "There. Now he can be happy with his life with his mistress and her son."

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