Huo Junxian didn't give up finding out who helped Gu Siyu leave. Unbeknownst to her, the person who assisted Gu Siyu was downstairs.

It proved the saying: The most dangerous place is the safest place.

At night, Gu Siyu told Huo Junxian that she wanted to do it. She bit Huo Junxian's ear, teasing her.

They indulged in each other for a long time, understanding each other well, entwined passionately.

Gasping for breath, both lay on the bed. Sleep came more profoundly than usual. Gu Siyu struggled to sit up, but Huo Junxian felt her body move twice. Gu Siyu kissed her on the forehead, patted her shoulder to reassure her, and Huo Junxian slowly fell asleep again.

Gu Siyu sorted the trash bin, organized the house a bit, making the surroundings less chaotic and dirty.

She was busy for a long time, also giving herself time to think. When she returned to look at Huo Junxian, her emotions had calmed down, and her breathing had become steady. Huo Junxian, sleeping with a frowning face, sensed the absence of the person on the bed. Her expression turned unpleasant, and her face wrinkled.

These days, Huo Junxian probably didn't look at her with joy. It was just because of this entanglement that she tightly clung to her, feeling that possession brought happiness.

Gu Siyu reached into her pocket, pulled out a piece of paper, crumpled one corner of it repeatedly, and finally stuffed it back. Placing the pillow under Huo Junxian, she stood by the bed without moving her legs for a long time. Her phone in her pocket lit up.

Ye Qinghe: 【No time to dawdle.】

Gu Siyu went to open the door, but it didn't open despite several attempts. The sound was a bit loud, and she peered through the door crack, discovering a chain on the doorknob.

She genuinely had no idea this was here. She hadn't paid attention to it every morning when she woke up. She tried a few times but couldn't open it. Ye Qinghe eventually came up to open the door for her. Ye Qinghe glanced at the chain, smiling, "You still play this?"

Looking inside, Gu Siyu quickly closed the door. Ye Qinghe reached for the chain, planning to loop it around a couple of times. Gu Siyu extended her hand to stop her, taking the chain and tucking it into her pocket.

"Lock this room; you have more time then," Ye Qinghe suggested. "She's binding you, and you can take the opportunity to retaliate against her."

"As long as there's enough time to escape," Gu Siyu said, her hands in her pockets. "There's no need for anything else."

Ye Qinghe looked at her and coldly said, "If you get caught again, it'll be your own fault."

Gu Siyu just nodded.

Coming down from upstairs was smooth. She didn't see the bodyguards who usually roamed around here. They were vigilant, especially when the two of them rested.

Ye Qinghe said, "This place is mostly filled with mistresses kept by the bosses. Those men wander around the community all day long, and the mistresses have to keep their heads down. They've been annoyed for a while. I've received complaints these days, scolded the property management on the phone a couple of times, and they went to mediate."

They got into the car smoothly.

Gu Siyu sat in the back, holding her phone. Ye Qinghe first took Gu Siyu to a club, but she didn't want to go in. Ye Qinghe didn't quite understand and changed to wait for someone else in a different place. Gu Siyu needed assistance in handling various visas for her trip abroad.

It didn't take long, and they spent about ten minutes in the new location. Ye Qinghe called someone to accompany her on the plane. Gu Siyu had never been abroad and couldn't speak much English.

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