Chapter 11 : old bats

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Blossom sighed again. Then she stood up and bent over Buttercup pulling her covers off. "Wake. Up."

" ughhhh Can't you just talk to me like a normal person ?"

Blossom smirked victoriously. "I tried, but it didn't exactly work. Now get out of bed and get ready for this meeting. You don't have all day! If you're not ready by ten minutes later, I'll be back to check on you ; with a bucket full of water."

Buttercup groaned loudly as Blossom walked to the door. After the pink Puff had left, Buttercup slowly crawled out of bed and made her way to the washroom. She forced her eyes open and stared into her mirror, which showed a girl with messy black hair and green eyes.

I'm not very pretty, Buttercup mused. She pulled down her PJ t-shirt to reveal the still visible marks from Vix's fingers on her neck. Buttercup swallowed. That guy was tough. It was like he was hunting Butch. They had a really serious fight.

after school yesterday she had to tell Blossom what happened they needed to be prepared in case the council found out about this vix person she sighed loudly just another thing to deal with what a drag

She wished the Rowdyruff Boys would tell the truth for once. Their secrecy was making her feel completely lost like she barley knew them. Sighing, Buttercup splashed water onto her face before proceeding to brush her teeth. She didn't have a lot of time to stand around thinking.

Buttercup took a shower. The warm water made her relax, as her jumbled thoughts slowly cleared. She went over each and every little detail of what had happened so far. She'd hid in the forest with Butch, and he'd reacted strangely to Maxim at the park. Butch had fought Vix, a skilled swordsman who had "special abilities". Maxim and another man named Coal had been talking in the forest where Buttercup had hidden one night. Not only that, but Butch didn't like Michael and his friends. And who was that kid with that man named Jamel?

Quickly climbing out of the shower, Buttercup threw on a towel and started blow-dried her hair, She only had a few more minutes until Blossom would barge in. Cursing her sister's precision with time, Buttercup yanked a brush through her hair in an attempt to be fast. This led to a lot of "ows" s, which ultimately slowed the process down. Finally, Buttercup got dressed in an all-black uniform with white trim and a white dove in the middle. This was the council's uniform, simple and way too obvious. She put on her black-heeled boots that matched the uniform and had her school uniform tucked into her bag.

they had school right after this it was currently 5:30, the meeting started at 6 am and they had school at 8 am she sighed she had a full day ahead of her although she was curious about what the council had summoned them for it was strange for them to hold a meeting out of the blue

"Buttercup, are you done?" a familiar voice called.

Buttercup turned around and spotted an expectant Blossom, whose arms were crossed and her eyebrow was raised. "I'm ready," the green Puff promised.

"That's a relief," Blossom remarked, "you take for-fuckin ever ."

Rolling her eyes, Buttercup followed Blossom out of her room. She closed the door and replied, "You do know that being late is not the end of the world, right?"

"Yeah, I know, but we have enough with the council looming over us already, we don't need them using anything to try to make us look bad," Blossom shot back immediately, "

" Yeah, yeah, let's go already; the sooner we get this over with, the better ." her-pink eyed sister nodded as they joined everyone downstairs. The professor was wearing a black lab coat with the same white dove; her sisters were in the same type of uniform she wore bliss sighed.

Ppgz & Rrbz A wolves storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang