4. I have an explosive personality

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I was awoken by a full-force pillow smack. 

"Get up, Cotho!" 

I groaned and tried to go back to bed and was instead met by two pairs of hands pulling me out of the top bunk and tossing me onto the ground.

"Owwww" I snapped rubbing my back as I sat up. 

I looked up to find a not-so-happy Centurion.

"Porcia is escorting you to the praetor quarters in 5 minutes. The fourth is never late so you better get your ass to the baths and dressed in that time" Leila explained and I hurried to get myself up. 

I quickly grabbed a pair of jeans I had been gifted and one of the purple t-shirts they gave me last night and hurried to the baths. 

I normally would have bathed last night before sleeping, but after having passed out the second my head hit the pillow I stood no chance of getting one in. 

I was drowsy and stumbling as I went but I was luckily able to make it into the baths with no accidental run ins. 

The baths was one large room with steam filling the air. There were soaps and shampoo coming down from large tubes that circulated the whole room. The warmth and smell made my eyes heavy and reminded me I was happily asleep on minutes before. 

"3 minutes Cotho!" 

I sighed and quickly undressed and jumped in, making sure to be quick and efficient with my washing.

I had never even washed my face in less than 3 minutes, so how I managed to bathe in that much time was beyond me, but I was quick and made sure to be fully dressed and running back when Porcia began walking towards the baths.

"Follow me" She said turning around and marching towards the praetors house. I followed closely behind still dazed from my early morning wake up call.

"Is it standard for the praetors to meet with the new recruits?" I asked trying to catch up to her and she shook her head. 


Great. One word answers.

"Oh cool" I muttered not really sure how to continue that conversation. 

The Roman's were a guarded bunch and it was clearly going to take a while to gain any sort of trust from the group. In the mean time I had to suffer through awkward silences.

Luckily for me the bath house and the praetors house were only a short walk from each other.

"I've brought the probatio on Jason's request" Porcia announced to the guards at the door. They both looked at me nodded before opening the door and gesturing for me to walk in.

"I'll be waiting for you out here" Porcia said as I passed by, but her eyes stayed straight ahead. 

I entered one of the only familiar rooms in this camp. Which, I realized was probably akin to knowing the posters in the principals office at school. 

Reyna stood with her long hair cascading down her back intricately woven in a gorgeous braid with golden hoops laced throughout. Jason stood next to her with his matching purple robe. He was taller than her and his shoulders were broader. He held himself like a leader, you could tell even from seeing his stance from behind. When he turned around you were only more sure with his stunning eyes and stoic face. 

He was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. Also, rude, but that wasn't easy to see from his appearance.

"Glad you could join us this morning, Cotho" Reyna called out while she and Jason kept their backs towards me.

Storm Chaser || Jason Grace x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang