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Peter's POV

(Saturday 3pm)

I checked my email for the internship email thing. I'm not expecting anything, so when I find an email from Mr. Stark himself, I was surprised. 

Dear Peter Parker,

I am happy to be informing you that you scored 100% on the test. That is the highest test score we have ever seen from anyone besides Dr. Banner and me. I am also happy to say that you will be my personal intern. I would like for you to start on Monday after school at 4:30. If that is not possible or you need help getting to and from the tower, please let me know and I will have someone for you. 

Here is my number let me know - ***-***-****

- Tony Stark, Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist

I'm Tony Starks... personal intern... Wow I didn't think I did that good on it. I have to tell mama so hopefully I can get a ride there and back. I head downstairs to let them know. 

"Hey Mama, Papa." 

"Hey Pete, what's up?" 

"Hey Pete."

"So, on Thursday you know how we took this test and got out early right?" They both nod, "Well it was for a Stark Industries internship, and we got the results today... I got in... and he wants me to start Mondy... afterschool..."

"That's amazing Peter." Mama says giving me a hug. 

"Good job Pete."

"Thanks. Would either of you be able to drive me there every day after school...?" I ask

"I won't be able to." Papa says with a sad tone. 

"I might but probably not every day." Mama says. 

"It's okay, he said he could have someone pick me up. I'll let him know I need a ride." I go to leave but papa talks. 

"Why don't we send you to Midtown Tech. It's a STEM school and one of the smartest in New York. I think it would be better especially since you go this internship when Stark and Pepper usually only hire college students." Papa suggests. 

"Yea. Isn't that a closer to the tower to?" Mama asks. 

"Slightly, not much. But it's a better school." Papa says. 

"I'd be okay with that." I chime in from the hallway.

"Okay we'll sign you up to start on Monday if we can. Why don't you tell him you need a ride and to be picked up at Midtown." Mama says. 

I nod and walk away sending Mr. Stark a text. 


Hey Mr. Stark, this is Peter Parker. I will need a ride to the tower afterschool. I'd need to be picked up at Midtown Tech as I'm transferring there. 

Tony Stark

Hey kid, sounds good. Can't wait to meet you on Monday.

Mr. Stark responded almost immediately. So, I go tell mama and she says she got me enrolled, starting Monday. I nod heading to my room, grabbing my suit in my backpack before heading out to 'take photos', well that's what I told mama and papa. Really, I was going on patrol. 

I get into queens, before finding an alleyway that my spider sense doesn't deem dangerous. Once I find one, I hide behind a trash can changing into my suit and putting my mask on. I then climb up the wall finding a place to web my backpack to. 

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