Internship's and Suit's

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Peter's POV.

"PETER WAKE UP!" I hear mama yell right as my alarm goes off. 

I slowly get up and get dresses. Today's the big test day. All we have to do is this one test in homeroom then we're done. I walk downstairs and get some breakfast. 

"Hey mama, we get done at noon today."

"Oh, why's that?" She asks. 

"We have this test thing. It's all we're doing today." 

"I won't be able to pick you up, I'm sorry. Maybe your dad can, or I could get an agent to pick you up." 

"It's okay mama, I can walk. Plus, I wanted to stop by the store after school for a project." I say, lying about the project.

"Are you sure? An agent could bring you by. You know what an Agent will pick you up."

"Mama it's fine really."

"Nope no arguing. Now eat, I'll send you the license plate number and you can tell them where you need to go."

"Okay..." I say and eat the plate she gave me. 

Walking out the door, mama brings me to school. She had bought a Chevy, not to expensive so I'd have fake friends, but not too cheap that I'd be singled out a bullied for it. Funny thing is I get bullied anyways. 

"Have a good day at school Pete." Mama says. 

"Thanks mama, be safe." I respond getting out of the car. 

I hadn't brought a calculator and a pencil, not needing anything else for the test. I move swiftly though the packed halls. Doing my best to avoid Zach. I really don't want to deal with him today.  

I managed to get into homeroom without running into him. I took the seat with my name and waited for the bell. As soon as the bell rang hordes of students rush out of the halls into classrooms. Soon enough our teacher came in with a huge stack of papers. 

"Today as you all know, we have a huge test. Does anyone know what it's for?"

Zach raised his hand with confidence, "A Stark Industries internship." He said with the same amount of confidence. 

"That is correct. This test is very hard as you all are highschoolers and they normally only admit college students. So please try your best and don't get your hopes to high." She says starting to pass out the tests. 

As soon as I get mine, I start. Looking at the problems a lot of these were the same problems from Bruce Banners books. Wow these are really easy. I think solving all but the last page. 

Why do you want to be a part of Stark Industries? - I want to be a part of Stark Industries for the new experiences and actually having challenging work. I also want to be able to help people by creating new technology and medicines. 

There was one last question. 

Where do you find yourself in 20 years? - I'm not sure, in 20 years I hope I am able to rejoin my family - I erase that, - I hope I am able to find a job, hopefully in the STEM field, that I enjoy and am able to make a living off of it. 

I finish my test and notice we still have an hour. So, I check over my work, noticing one small mistake was made I fix it and go turn in my test. 

"Miss, may I have a piece of paper?" I ask.

"You may but don't write any of the answers or questions." 

I nod grabbing a paper and sitting back down. I start sketching what I want my suit to look like. Red and blue for sure. Maybe with a green web, and spider. I think I need some web shooters, so I don't give away that I'm not mortal. After getting the sketch done, I start brainstorming what I need for the web shooters. Before I can finish the equations, the final bell rings. 

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