Fair Day

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TIME SKIP (4 months later)

Peter's POV.

I was awoken by a bright light as well a small shaking and a soft voice.

"Peter... Wake up."

I groan, "Five more minutes..." I mumble putting a pillow on top of my head. 

"Come on were going to the fair."

Hearing fair I bolt up. 


"Yea get ready and we can go." Mama says. 

I nod and she leaves. I quickly change into some jeans, a plaid t-shirt and a sip up jacket, leaving it open. I rush down the stairs being greeted by the smell of pancakes, eggs and bacon. 

"Morning Pete, grab some breakfast then we can go." papa says handing me a plate. 

I grab 3 pancakes, some eggs and 3 pieces of bacon. Sitting down at the table with mama starting to eat. Not long after I sit papa does as well. I finish first and get bored very quickly. 

"When can we go...." I say making the ending o longer than it needed to be. 

"Be patent Pete. The fair doesn't even open until 10."

I look over at the clock, "It 9:30 already tho." I whine. 

"We'll leave here soon. Why don't you go get a bag together with sunscreen, and snacks." Mama suggests. 

I nod going to get one of her smaller bags before filling it with the sunscreen and snacks. At 10 we finally get in the car and drive over to the fair, just a bit farther from NY than our house. Pulling into a parking spot I can hardly sit still. 

"Calm down Pete, the fair isn't going anywhere." Papa says. 

"I know, I'm just really excited."

"We then let's head to the front." 

I open the door quickly. Bouncing waiting for them. We slowly make our way up to the front, getting our tickets before heading inside. 

We walk around for a little bit. Seeing everything they had. After seeing everything I dragged papa over to a roller coaster. 

"You sure you want to start with the roller coaster?" Papa asks."

"Yes. It looks like so much fun." I say with a grin. 

"Okay." Papa says as we get into line. 

We wait a few seconds before we get into a cart. As we ascend up papa puts an arm around my shoulder giving is a squeeze before letting go. There was a short pause up at the top before a big drop. My powers had wanted to come out and catch me but thanks to Grandpa's training I was able to keep it at bay. 

As we get off the ride I almost shout, "That was amazing!" 

"Glad you have fun, why don't we go find mama. Maybe we can convince her to play some of the games." Papa says. 

I nod enthusiastically. We walk around a lot to find her. We finally find her near a food cart that sold hot dogs, chicken, and funnel cakes. Mama had bought 3 hot dogs. 

"Perfect timing boys. I got us lunch." She says turning around seeing us. 

Sitting down at a table together we start eating, "Mama, could we play some of the games?" I ask giving her puppy dog eyes. 

"Do you have money for them?" Mama asks knowing full well I don't.

"Well... no...." 

"We can use mine. Please?" Papa begs. 

She rolls her eyes, "Fine. But don't spend a lot of money and I'm not carrying or holding anything you win."

"Deal!" Me and Papa shout. 

We finish eating, then walk around finding some games to play. We first come up to a ring toss game. The goal - get a ring on one of the bottles, get it on a blue one, small prize, get it on a red one, medium prize and get it on the gold on get a large prize. 

Papa bought a big bucket for the two of us. We start throwing the rings. Out of all 200 rings we got we only got one on the bottle. Of course, it was a blue bottle to. 

"Congratulations. What prize do you want?" 

"Can I have the small blue snake please?" I ask. 

"Of course." She grabs it from a bin below the counter, "Here you go have a good day." 

"Thank you."

The three of us walk off fining our next game. Coming upon the next game, a puck drop thing. The goal - get a puck into the purple slot at the bottom, downside there are pegs that will make it move, not allowing it to fall straight down - almost mission impossible. 

Papa bought 3 pucks and gave them all to me. So, I walk up the stairs and drop all three down. One from the middle, one from the left and one from the right. In theory it should have given me a prize but none of them landed in the purple slot.

"Good try. Do you want to play again?" The worker asks. 

"No thank you. Have a good day." I say as I walk back down. 

We then walk to our final game of the day. It was a strong man game. Mama tried to get me to play but I wanted papa to, because they had this big snake that looks like Grandpa in his snake form. I really wanted it. 

"Peter it would be unfair for your father to play." 

"Please mama. I need that snake." I say pointing at it. 

"Peter..." She says in an almost warning voice. 

"How about this, Papa does one play and I do the other?" I suggest hoping she takes it. 

"Fine." She says reluctantly. 

"Thank you! Thank you!" I say hugging her, "You go first papa." 

"Hi how many plays can I get you?" The worker asks.

"2 please."

"Alright, who's first?"

"I'll go first." Papa says.  

The worker hands him the hammer and he hits the plate. Making the bell ring. 

"What prize would you like? You can get anything." 

"That big snake." He points to it.

The worker nods getting it for him. After handing him the snake, she hands me the hammer. Walking up to the plate, I bring it above my head. Swinging it down with all my might. I only get it about halfway up. 

"What prize would you like? You can get any of the medium or small ones."

"The little snake." I say, pointing to one that looks the exact same as the one papa has. Mama rolls her eyes, mumbling something about why papa had to play if they had a the same on but smaller. 

The worker hands it to me, "Have a nice day." 

"You to." I say.

"Let's go to the Farris wheel. Then home." Mama says. 

We nod and head over there. It had little cages so we could all be together along with my snake that Papa had been carrying. The worker pauses it so we can get in before bringing us up into the air a bit. I stare out the side as we get brought higher and higher. 

Once everyone was loaded, we go around and around. Slow enough to see the views but fast enough so people don't have to wait forever. After we get back to the bottom we get out and head to the car. Putting the large snake in the back and the rest in the back seat with me. 

"Did you have fun Pete?" Mama asks while papa drives. 

"Yea." I say with a yawn. 

"You can sleep Pete. I know it was a long day." 

I nod and slowly drift into a peaceful sleep, hugging the snake plush to my body. 

Peter "Rodgers-Hill"?Where stories live. Discover now