First Day

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Peter's POV.

I woke up to my blaring alarm. 

"UGH..." I groan, "Why does Midtown start so early..." I say to myself getting up. 

Packing everything I need for the day. Including my suit for quicker travel home after the internship. 

"PETER, ARE YOU UP?!?" Mom yells from I assume the kitchen. 

"YEA! BE DOWN IN A SECOND!" I yell back. 

Quickly getting dressed I head down for breakfast. Mama made some delicious pancakes. I eat two plates of 5 pancakes before I had to leave for school. 

"Bye mama. I'll see you when I get home." I say walking out the door. 

"Bye Pete stay safe."

Today I opted to walk to school. It wasn't the closest but not the furthest either, but it's nice to walk and get the fresh air. 

After 30 minutes I get to school right at 7:20, giving me 10 minutes to get my schedule. Great. I walk into the school and try to find the office, which isn't right in the front. I walk around for a while before this boy walks up to me. 

"Hey I'm Flash. You new here?" 

"Yea. I'm Peter. Could you help me to the office?" I ask. He seems nice enough.

"Yea follow me." He leads me to the front office while boasting about how 'smart' he is. 

Welp. I got stuck with a rich kid. This is going to be a fun tour.  We enter the office and I talk to the lady at the desk. 

"Hi, can I get my schedule?" I say sweetly.


"Peter Lo-Ro-Parker." I stutter forgetting the name mama and papa registered me with. 

I take a moment, but she gets is printed, "Here. Flash could you show him all his classes? I'll let your first period teacher know that you are here." 

"Yea I gotcha. Let's go bro."

Flash shows me around to all of my classes. Thankfully I only have one class with him, as most of mine are AP or honors. I don't know why mama signed me up for them but it's better than the easy classes at New York High. 

It's second period now, I walked to my honors bio class. The teacher makes me introduce myself before having my sit next to this boy. 

"Hi, I'm Ned." 

"Hey." I say focusing on the teacher. 

I think Ned go the hint I didn't want to talk as he turned back to the teacher as well. After listening to the teacher for a couple minutes I realize it's the same things I learned when I was 5 from Docter Banners books. So, I decide to make the most of my time and work on some new web formulas. 

After class I walk with Ned to his locker. Funny enough mines right next to his. 

"So how do you like thi-" Ned gets cut off. 

"HEY PETE! WHY ARE YOU HANGING OUT WITH FATSO!" Flash yells across the hall.

Ned looks down, I send a glare to Flash.

"Is he always like this?" I ask and Ned nods. I turn to Flash, "You do know that talking down about others doesn't make you better." A deadly tone paired with a glare makes Flash gulp. 

I wait a moment waiting for a rebuttal, but nothing came. 

"What cat got your tongue?" I say slowly approaching him. 

Flash shrieks running away. 

"Wow dude that was so awesome. The only other person to ever stand up to Flash was MJ."

"MJ?" I ask. 

"My other friend, we if you consider me a friend..." He trails off at the end. 

"Yea you're my friend dude." I pat his back and we head to our next class. 


(He met MJ at lunch, and they immediately became friends)

Walking out of school I see a black limo with the plate Stark. 

"I'll see you guys later." I say to MJ and Ned walking off. 

Approaching the car, I open the back door and hop in. 


"Peter Parker." 

The man nods and starts driving off in the direction of the tower. 


The man that was driving leads me inside the tower, giving me a badge and brings me to Mr. Starks lab. 

"Thank you." I say before heading in to meet Tony Stark.

I look around seeing a very messy desk with a dark-haired man behind it. 

"Mr. Stark?" I ask, frightening the man.

"You must be Peter. Fantastic to meet you. Come on we have a lot of work that needs to be done. I'll have you start on upgrading Nat's Widow Bites, then you can help me with Caps shield and if we have time my suit." He says quickly getting everything I need for the widow bites.

"Okay sounds good." I say getting started with the bites. 

The rest of the internship goes well. We end up working on everything he said, while still having a bit of extra time at the end. Mr. Stark offered to bring me home, but I declined. I needed to patrol, obviously Stark can't know this so I tell him I'm meeting my aunt at her work, a cafe down the street, for a ride home. 

He accepts this lie and lets me go. After leaving the tower I go into an alleyway patrolling the city while I head home. 

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