Ch 23

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Authors Note- Sorry it's such a short chapter I'm really busy lately and going through a funk. Losing motivation but it's okay we're gonna push through it.

Daphne skipped dinner and sat in the library. She was trying to avoid her so called friends while also looking at different charms. She had read about memory charms and being able to insert things into a person's memory. She didn't want to insert or alter a person's memory but more like add to it. She wanted to give a memory to someone from her point of view. The problem was there wasn't a spell for it. If she was set on this then she would have to find a way to make it herself. 

As Daphne searched the library on how to build her own spell, she researched looked for Latin phrases that referred to sharing memories. As she sat at a table reading and translating potential words for the new spell, she was brought out of her work by a chair screeching in front of her. 

"What do you want?" She asked irritated as she continued to research potential phrases.

"You weren't a dinner, or in the dorms. You also didn't sit with us on the train." Sirius whispered softly. He looked at the girls with worry. 

"I heard you ran away." She said nonchalantly, she didn't even look up from her books.

"How did you know?" 



"It's funny how he gets left in an abusive shitty home and yet he's the only person who wrote to me." 

Sirius sat in silence. He didn't know what to say. He hadn't written to the girl in hopes that he would be able to move on from the weird feelings he started developing towards the girl. 

"Every single one of you ignored me. I honestly don't feel like wasting my time on people who clearly don't give a fuck about me. I hope you had a happy Christmas and enjoyed your gift Black, now if you will excuse me, I'm a bit busy." her voice was quiet and cold as she spoke. When she looked at Sirius her face was blank. It showed no sign of emotion and it hurt him as he searched her eyes. 

He nervously chewed the inside of his cheek as he watched the once sweet and soft girl turn back to her books. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know why the others hadn't spoken to the girl, but he felt that it may have been his fault. 

After a few minutes passed he left the library. Maybe his friends would know what to do about this. Sirius had no experience with this kind of thing. It was also very obvious a simple apology wouldn't be able to fix this at all. 

As he walked into the dorm flopping onto his bed all he could hear was James mumbling something under his breathe about flowers.

"So, I know why I didn't talk to her now I wanna know why you all didn't talk to her?" Sirius said sounding a bit irritated. The other three boys looked at one another confused. "Don't play dumb she basically told me to fuck off and that she wants nothing to do with any of us." 

"We all wrote to her Pad's idk what she's on about." James said looking concerned at the boy.

"She said everyone ignored her except for Reg though." 

"I don't know Pad's." Remus said as the other boys shrugged looking confused and worried. 

"I'll have to talk to her about it." Sirius said more to himself than to the boys. 

"Didn't she tell you to fuck off?" Remus chuckled slightly. 


"Why did you ignore her anyway?" Peter asked abruptly. The other two boys gave him a look as the blonde boy shrugged in defense. 

"I thought maybe some distance would do me good. She's going on a date with Regulus next week and it feels like I'm being stabbed in the chest every time I see them so much as look at one another let alone laughing or talking." he confessed as he picked at his fingers not looking at the boys. 

"Did it work?" Peter asked receiving another glare from Remus and James. 

"Obviously not Wormtail, he's over there moping." James said irritated that his friend would ask a stupid question. 

"I'm not moping!" Sirius shout back defensively as he hummed a pillow at the hazel eyed boy. James quickly dodged the pillow laughing. 

"Merlin I'm so sad and depressed Daphne doesn't love me anymore" James mocked in his best Sirius voice he could muster. This caused Sirius to throw another pillow at the boy only egging him on. "She kissed my brother and won't even look at me boo hoo." The other boys started to chuckle as the two wrestled on the floor. 

Sirius trying to cover James's mouth the make him shut up and James continuing to mock the poor boy. 

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