Chapter 7

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The girls were getting ready for the Ravenclaw's infamous Halloween party that happened every year. It was the only party the Ravenclaw's ever hosted besides the party they held at the end of exams. Both parties were a big deal and just about everyone went to them even the Slytherins. That was saying something since most of the Slytherins didn't go to parties that weren't hosted by themselves. 

"Are you sure you don't want to go?" Alice asked giving me her best puppy dog eyes. I sighed and nodded my head.

"I'm sure but thank you anyway." I smile as I change into a green sweater and pair of jeans. 

"Well if you aren't going to the party where are you going?" She asks as she finishes pinning her hair. 

"Probably gonna go see Loverboy." Marlene says as she wiggles her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and smile.

"He's not my lover, in case you forgot I fancy Sirius, also I'm not going to see him. He's probably going to be at the party snogging strangers like his brother anyway." I sigh as I tie up my trainers. 

"Oooooo someone sounds jealous. if you go to the party maybe you can snog him instead of a stranger." Marlene snickered as she winked at me. 

"Oh, shut up." I say as I leave the room but apparently not fast enough. 

"MAKE SURE YOU USE PROTECTION DEAR!" she yells as I walk out the door and down the stairs. Once I reach the bottom of the stairs Of course the boys are there on the couches snickering at Marlene's antics.  I roll my eyes and laugh lightly as I make my way towards the portrait hole. 

"Be careful with Loverboy." James yells across the common room. I stop in my tracks and glare daggers at him. 

"What happen to library guy or his name." I ask with a playful attitude crossing my arms across my chest resting my weight on one leg. 

"Oh, I don't know him walking you to dinner and carrying your bags. Such a gentlemen by the way." he says sassily with a wink. I roll my eyes and scoff as I try to keep myself from smiling. 

"We're just friends Jamie don't worry he won't be replacing you." I say with a wink and leave the common room making my way out of the castle. 

The sun was setting and there was a chill in the air. I cast a quick heating charm and walked towards the edge of the forbidden forest. I started to walk along the edge of the forest uphill. After a minute or two of walking uphill I finally reached the small clearing that hung slightly over the black lake. There was one large tree that stood towards the edge of the small cliff. There hung a rope Marlene and I put there during fourth year after exams. The girls and I used it like a swing to jump into the black lake. 

As I walked towards the edge of the cliff, I noticed a figure sitting. The sun was still up so I could make out the slender figure and curly black hair as I got closer. He was running his fingers through his hair humming a tune I was unfamiliar with.

"You know you can sit right? I won't bite, unless you want me to." Although I couldn't see it, I could tell he had a smirk on his face after delivering that line. I roll my eyes and laugh as I take a seat next to him letting my legs dangle over the edge. 

"How'd you know it was me?" I ask as I lean back on my hands and stare at the sky's changing colors. 

"Well, you're not very quiet but you also always wear that blasted strawberry perfume." He chuckled as he shook his head. He turned to look at the red-haired girl who seemed to be glowing in the light of the setting sun.

"So, you know how I smell?" I laugh. "That's a little weird Reggie." 

"Well, in my defense most girls wear floral or candy like perfume so it's a little unique." He shrugs as he defends himself. 

"Yea, yea, just admit you're obsessed with me." 

"Oooo, looks likes someone's been hanging out with my brother too much." 

"As if." I scoff at the accusation. "I see more of you than I do him these days; you should feel honored." He places his hands over his heart pretending to be shocked. 

"So why didn't you go to the Halloween party?" 

"Didn't want to watch all of my friends make out with strangers and leave me stranded all alone, plus me and a few of my friends aren't exactly on talking terms right now."

"You mean you and Sirius?" 

"He only wants to talk to me when I can do something for him so yea him but also Lily. We had an argument a couple weeks ago and I refuse to break first." I sigh loudly as the sun finally disappears. I lay back on the grass and look up into the sky as the stars start to make their appearance throughout the now black sky.

"Well Sirius and I don't talk much but he's a good guy. A good friend from what I hear. Maybe you should just tell him how his actions are affecting you. Lily is the one that is friends with Severus, right? the red head?" he speaks quietly as he lays down next to me looking up at the sky. 


"Well, I only know what Severus tells me but from what I know she seems pretty forgiving. Why don't you just apologize?"

"I didn't do anything wrong, I stuck up for someone, and made a very valid argument and she didn't like what I had to say so she's holding a grudge."

"Maybe that is the case but is this argument really worth risking your friendship over?" I looked over at him as he finished talking. We sat in silence for a moment.

"Why didn't you go to the party." I ask still looking him. He turns to look at me and laughs.

"You're changing the subject." I shrug and offer him a half smile. "I didn't want to sit in a corner by myself."

"You were sitting up here by yourself earlier though."

"Yea but it's different choosing to be by yourself versus being by yourself because no one wants to talk to you."

"Well, they're missing out. You hold one hell of a conversation Black." He laughs and shakes his head. 

We end up laying there for hours. We talk about our families, friends, and classes. We end up taking turns pointing out different stars and constellations. He's pretty smart when it comes to the night sky. That must be a perk of being named after one. He told me about how the star got its name and what it meant. In Latin it meant "prince" or "little king" which seemed fitting for him with his looks and mannerism he definitely seemed princely. Considering he was also the heir to the black family; the name was fitting. 


Authors Note-

I know this chapter is long and I literally just put out a chapter but I'm too excited and have so much regulus and daphne content to give yall.

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