Chapter 11

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"Let's get some sweets." He says cheerily as he grabs my hand again bringing me into Honeydukes. He quickly grabs a few sweets for each of us. I go to pay and of course James won't let me. James is known for being very gentlemanly but today he seemed to be doing a lot to show that.

"I'm dying for hot chocolate and I'm sure you want a butterbeer so let's go." I say as I grab his hand dragging him out of Honeydukes and into the three broomsticks hastily.

James finds us a booth towards the back and sets our bags down. I take a seat and he goes to the bar to get our drinks. I look around a room when a certain head of red hair stands out among the crowd of students. Lily looks up and gives me a panicked look as if she had been caught. I stand up and briskly walk towards the girl and see Marlene and Alice are also sitting with her.

"Having fun being stalkers?" I ask sarcastically.

"What? we aren't stalkers we just want to make sure Potter doesn't get to handsy is all" Marlene replies in her motherly tone. suddenly a group of three boys make their way to the table. Sirius, Remus, and Peter. I look at them and chuckle shaking my head.

"Okay well I have to get back have fun. Bye peter." I say as I turn around and make my way to the booth waiting for James.

"So how are things looking?" Remus asks Lily quietly.

"They look quite cozy if I do say so myself" she replies, and Remus gives her a subtle high five.

"I'm still betting on Loverboy." Marlene says as she looks at Daphne.

James walks back to the booth carrying their drinks. He places one down in front of her and takes his seat across from her. He was getting lost as he looked at the girl sitting in front of him. Her hair was a softer shade of red compared to Lily's who was more fiery and vivid. She also didn't have green eyes. Daphne's eyes were like a deep ocean blue color that had specs of gold throughout them. With flushed cheeks and red plump lips she looked like a painting.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" I said teasingly as I sipped my hot chocolate. He chuckled and looked down pushing his glasses up nervously.

"Sorry uh was thinking." he replied as he took a sip of his butterbeer.

"You've been thinking a lot lately. Might wanna slow down before you hurt yourself." I say as I take another sip of my drink. He rolls his eyes flipping me off.

"You seem to have a thing for insulting me today." he leans on his arms staring at me across the table pressing his tongue into his cheek.

"Oh, don't pretend you don't like it love." I give him a cheeky grin and a wink setting my cup down in front of me. He swiftly moves from across the table into the seat next to me. He places one arm behind me on the top of the seat and the other on the table in front of me. He looks me in the eyes and leans towards me. My breath hitches in my throat as he looks at me.

"Not so confident now, are we?" he asks mockingly in a low voice. I can feel his breath fan against my face. The smell of butterbeer and cinnamon envelopes me and I can feel the blush creep up my neck. I go to speak but the words seem to be caught in my throat. I go to take a sip of my drink as I recompose myself. He chuckles lowly and I can feel his breath fan against the skin on my neck and side of my face. 

"Do I make you nervous love?" He whispers in my ear, and I feel my face heat up. I look down trying to avoid looking at him as I press my cold hands against my blushing face.

 "Look at me Daphne." He says sternly. I look up to see him with a smirk as his hazel eyes darkened slightly. I swallow loudly unintentionally as I look at him. I take a deep breath and look at my cup. 

"Okay I get it, I'm sorry for teasing you." I say breathlessly. He chuckles and grabs my chin forcing me to look at him. Before I can process what exactly is happening, I feel his lips on mine. It was a soft kiss, but it definitely showed dominance. Our lips moved in sync as he moved his hand to the back of my neck bringing me deeper into the kiss. I placed one of my hands on his chest and the other on his arm as he continued to kiss me lightly nipping at my bottom lip. When he finally pulls away, I catch my breath and see the smug smile spread across his lips. 

"How about we head back to the castle." he asks as he brushes a piece of hair from my face. I nod in agreement, and we stand up grabbing our bags to make our way to the castle. 


Authors Note-

sorry for how long these chapters have been but the trip is over so don't worry and I cant wait to write all the upcoming drama. 

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