Chapter 8

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A cold breeze and falling leaves welcomed November with open arms as students bundled themselves to keep warm. Hanging out by the lake didn't help with the chill either but I was never one who liked to stay inside. As Regulus and I walked around the black lake and the edge of the black forest I picked up different color and shaped leaves. I handed them to Regulus as I inspected each new leaf, that caught my eye as, we walked along the path. 

"Why are we collecting leaves?" He asked looking at the pile of leaves sitting in his arms as we walked. 

"I can't tell you." I said ominously as I narrowed my eyes at him and put another leaf in the pile in his arms. 

"What could you possibly be doing with all these leaves?" He asked confused and suspiciously. 

"OOOH! This one is shaped like a heart!" I exclaim excitedly as I pick up the dark orange leaf. I hold it up waving it in front of him excited. He shakes his head and laughs as I tuck the leaf into my pocket and look for more leaves.

"So, you're not going to tell me why we have all of these leaves?" He asks again as I pick up a few more leaves and place them in the pile.

"You really wanna know?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"yes" he stated looking at me curiously.

"I just wanted to see how long you would do this before getting irritated." I say giggling as his jaw drops. 

"Oh, you're in for it now Bardot." He gives a low chuckle as he throws the leaves in his arms towards me. I wave my hand in front of me and the leaves whirl around into a wall between Regulus and me. 

"Ooo did your mummy ever tell you not to throw things?" I say playfully as I wave my hand and leaves whirl around Regulus. He shakes his head and lets out a hearty laugh. 

"As impressive as that is, love, you better run." He gives me a playful smirk and I take off in the opposite direction.

 I was running as fast as my legs could carry me dodging first years and piles of leaves left and right. I looked back behind me to see how far Regulus had gotten and that was my mistake. I turned around quickly trying to avoid his grasp because his long ass legs, of course, made it easy for him to catch up. I saw the marauders sitting on a bench by one of the trees. I knew if I could make it to them, I'd be safe but just as I started to reach them, I was falling to the ground. 

"I win" he said breathlessly as he had his arms wrapped around me keeping me close to him.

 I looked at the breathless boy in front of me who had a wide grin as he tried to catch his breath. I sat up in the grass and leaves looking down at the boy. He was usually brooding and moody. Always had a blank but dark look on his face. The boy playing in the leaves was a complete 180 from the usual mysterious Regulus Black. I liked seeing him like this. The big smile, his flushed cheeks, and sparkling eyes. 

"You have leaves in your hair." I said with a small chuckle as I ran my fingers through his curly locks removing little leaves that had made their home there. He smiled as he watched me fix his hair. 

"Turn around." He says picking something up from beneath a few leaves. I look at him with narrowed eyes, but I oblige anyway. I turn around as he scooted closer to me. I could feel his fingers in my hair, and I assumed he was picking out any leaves that had gotten stuck in my own hair. I felt him tighten something in the small ponytail of my hair. I always wore my hair half up half down. I reached my hand around to feel what was going on with, when he smacked my hand away. 

"I'm trying to fix your bow now if you would stop moving it would move a lot faster." He said playfully as he directed his attention back to my hair. After another moment or two of messing with the ribbons and trying to straighten it, he finally finished. "All done." 

I turn around to see a very proud looking Regulus. He stood up from where we sat dusting himself off and helping me as well. We started to make our way back to the castle. 


"What the fuck was that!" Sirius bellowed as he paced around the dorm angrily. Remus and James shared a look with one another as Sirius continued to pace around the center of the room. 

"Pete why don't you go get some snacks from the kitchens." James said to a very anxious and scared looking peter. Peter nodded and headed for the kitchens. James quickly stood up shutting the door behind Peter and casting a silencing charm on the room. 

"You need to calm down Padfoot, they were just playing around in the leaves." Remus uttered in a calming tone as he slowly approached Sirius. Sirius scoffed annoyed at the words his friend said. 

"Yeah, just playing around and hanging out like good Ol' chaps huh?" Sirius asked sarcastically. Remus rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"She's his tutor, they became friends I don't see why you're so worked up about this Pad's." Remus said as he pinched the bridge of his nose breathing slowly. Sirius rolled his eyes and sat on the edge of his bed. 

"She's always with him. She never hangs out with me or any of us anymore. Aren't any of you bothered by that?" he asked looking between the two bows with furrowed brows. 

"Of course, we miss hanging out with her, but it doesn't really help when the only time you speak to her is when you need her to do something for you." James said with a snarky attitude as he fiddled with his glasses. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sirius said quietly looking down at the ground. James scoffed loudly as he pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek trying to keep himself from saying anything harsh. 

"Spit it out prongs." Sirius said in a deadly tone. James looked at him and gave him a mocking smile.

"You sit here for the past two years saying you don't like Daphne but as soon as me or Remus or anyone for that matter shows a slight interest in her you start raging." James said with a chuckle.

 "And don't get me started on this year" he said standing up from his bed. James's demeanor became more aggressive and intimidating. "You give her the cold shoulder for days, then you only talk to her when you want something like, I don't know, homework answers." He starts to step closer to Sirius who was now standing. "You know how she feels about you, and you use it against her. Then again why am I surprised this is 'Playboy Black' we're talking about." 

"Really, that's how you feel prongs?" Sirius asked slightly shocked at his friends change in demeanor. 

"Yeah, it is. So, either act right or let the girl go. We both know she deserves better than what you're giving her." James glared at his friend. 

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