Chapter 10

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Saturday came quickly and the girls never let up on the idea that it was a date. I thought they were simply out of their minds if they thought James Potter had moved on from Lily Evans. Marlene and Lily were rummaging through my closet and trunk looking for something appropriate for me 'date' as Alice forced me into the chair of her vanity to do my hair and makeup. I didn't really mind the pampering it was always fun when they dolled me up. 

"She looks great now she has to get dressed unless she plans on going on her date naked." Marlene sassed as she shooed me out of the vanity chair. I quickly got up and rolled my eyes. 

"I don't think Potter would mind that but that would make things to easy." Lily replied with a giggle as she nudged Marlene's shoulder. 

"Okay it's not a date for the last time and what in merlin's name do you think you're doing sending me out in a t-shirt. It's almost December and freezing." I replied irritated as I looked in my closet for a jumper. 

"But imagine how romantic it will be when you get cold, and he offers you, his jumper." Alice swooned as she stared dreamily across the room. Marlene and Lily agreed as I got dressed. 

I was wearing black jeans and a cream-colored v neck sweater with red accents. I laced up my black combat boots and checked my appearance in the full-length mirror by the window. My makeup was light with a little blush, mascara, and lip-gloss and my hair was in loose curls with its signature half up and half down styled with a boy to match my sweater. I turned around to face the girls who were all looking at me eagerly as they spilled out compliment after compliment. I smiled and walked towards the door.

"Thanks, and lastly nothing about today is romantic it's two friends catching up. Now if you ladies will excuse me, I'll see you later." I said as I turned grabbing my pouch of money and walking out the door down the stairs. 

"We're totally going to watch their date, right?" Marlene asked the two girls as she stared at the door Daphne had just walked out of. 

"Oh totally." Lily said with a smile and the three girls quickly got ready for Hogsmeade. 


"You look beautiful today." James said with a smile as he walked next to me towards the village. 

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself" I replied with a chuckle.  His cheeks became dusted with a light pink color as they walked into the village side by side. 

James was nervous. He wasn't exactly sure if this was a date or not. When he asked her, he mentioned how they hadn't hung out so maybe that meant this was two friends hanging out. Then again though, they could have just hung out in a group setting with the other Marauders, but James was excited to have her to himself for the day. He didn't care if it was a date or not, he just simply wanted to be around her. 

"So where to first." I turned to him as he looked at the village. He turned to me with a small smile of his own before grabbing my hand and pulling me into a small bookstore. He dragged me to a muggle book section picking up different books and reading the backs of them before putting them back on the shelf.

"I didn't know you could read Jamie." I said playfully as he turned glaring at me. 

"I can read I'm just really picky with my books, okay?" He said offended as he laughed moving over to the quidditch section of this bookstore. 

"Of course, gotta get another book about quidditch." I reply as I start looking at different books. 

"Are you going to make fun of me all day?" he asks as he picks up a book about some famous seeker.

"isn't that what you miss about me so much?" I reply sarcastically as I grab a poetry book making my way to the check out. James was close behind with his seeker book. 

"Oh totally. I love when you insult me." He says sarcastically as he grabs my book from my hand.

"Oooo kinky. It's okay love, I'll degrade you anytime." I say playfully winking at him as I snatch my book back and give it to the cashier. I go to grab my pouch when James places a few galleons on the counter paying for both of our books. He hands me the bag with the books before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the bookstore quickly. 

"You know I can pay for my own books." I say as I walk briskly to match his pace.

"I know but I wanted to." He says quietly avoiding my gaze.

"Let's go to Zonko's I'm sure you need more prank supplies." I say as I pull him into the busy shop. I grab a basket as we walk through the store grabbing a few dung bombs and fireworks. James grabs a few more things and we walk towards the check out. He pays for his things, and we leave the store. 

As we walk out of the store a breeze whips past us and I shiver and move behind him in a weak attempt to shield myself from the wind. He chuckles and takes off his scarf wrapping it around my neck.

"You don't need to do that now you're going to be cold Jamie." I say as I go to remove the scarf. He grabs my wrist to stop me and moves my hair out from under the scarf allowing it to flow down my back. 


Authors Note-

Sorry the chapter was getting too long so I had to split the Hogsmeade trip into two parts. I hope you're enjoying this chapter as much as I am. Also please don't be a silent reader. I love interacting. 

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