CHAPTER 4 - Striped Carnation

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Striped Carnation symbolizes a refusal or "no". Back then carnations were to communicate one's love and affection while solid carnation means an affirmative "yes". A striped carnation means "no".

The quote that inspired this chapter or at least one of them.

"don't yell at me for walking on eggshells you placed in this house." - not my fault, why are you so quiet | laurelled


From the moment that Sonic was born he was expect to fit into these unrealistic expectations set for him by his mother and father. Being told to be one way and not another. Confined into the castle walls by cold stone and metal bars. Home did not feel like home. It was more as if he was confined to a house and not a home. Home was not here. It would never be here. Rather it would be somewhere far away from the castle walls with someone unexpected.

His father suddenly died of a heart attack when Sonic, Manic, and Sonia reached the age of 3. Accident or not.

As time went on, there was shift in his mother's aura after that. One that was normally up beat and optimistic changed everyone else's demeanor soon became where living at home was a living hell.

By the time Sonic was 5 he was told that since he was the first born son he would need to rule the kingdom someday. But first he had to marry a woman from another kingdom to form an alliance. The castle nowadays already had enough controversy. The current Queen being the first woman to rule the kingdom in a 100 years. All the people did was talk. The crown was only passed down to a woman if there was no male suitable heirs. Since the King was dead and he had no brothers, the crown was passed onto the current Queen and Sonia wanted to follow in her mother's footsteps. Despite the kingdom's rules and regulations on how the royalty line worked. No matter who Sonia took down with her. Dragging her friends and family under the bus just so she could be queen. A selfish woman indeed.

Manic on the other hand grew up to be quite different. He didn't care about the riches or the fame that came his way by being part of the royal family. He enjoyed helping the maids and the farmers with tedious chores. By helping the maids by hanging clothing on the line to dry or helping the farmers by tending to the crops. Watering them and pulling out the weeds.

"I don't mind getting my hands dirty." He would say with a big smile that reached from ear to ear. Dressed not as he would at home but in more a punk style. With spiked bracelets and a red flannel that was snug over his torso. With just a plain white tee underneath. Paired with black ripped jeans and red and white high top converse.

One thing that he could piece together as to why he was such a jerk before. Displaying his wealth as he would as to wearing it.

Bound to hip as Sonia and Manic were, they couldn't be more different.


Sonic's mother still sat whispering in his ear on how good it was that her baby boy was finally home and within her reach, and control. Able to manipulate him as she pleased. As a puppeteer would their most valuable puppet.

"Your arranged marriage is being held in two weeks. Be prepared and don't be late." Venom slipped from her lips as she finally stood up from sitting on the bed.

"But I'm already engaged." Sonic protested holding up his engagement ring to his mother. Being proud to show it off even under these circumstances. Her frown deepened as she approached Sonic once more and lunged for his engagement ring. Shinning in the early morning sun pouring in from the windows.

The Queen's scowl was obvious to anyone that walked into the room. Her terrifying expression sent shivers down Sonic's spine.

Him flinching once they were face to face again.

"Give me that ring." The queen smiled her true intentions seeping through the cracks of her stone exterior.

"No." He said, firm and with confidence. If Sonic was one thing that would be hard headed and stubborn. Yet the apple did not fall far from the tree. The Queen was also stubborn as hell and she wouldn't back down on getting something she wanted without a fight to the death.

That was one of the only things Sonic and his mother had in common.

"Get. Me. The. Damn. Ring. Boy." Sonic's mother rarely swore. Even when her expressions from when Sonic was a kid displayed every curse word in the book. Not one slipped past her red lipstick lips. No matter how angry she was and that scared Sonic. The woman that raised him standing in front of him. Revolted by just the sight of him. His mother in the past was not an angry woman. Kept her emotions hidden and kept intact. Her emotions angered the King made her seem more human and life like then she already was.

"No." He said much harder this time. The word coming out in one syllable. Trying to musher up as much confidence and assurance as he could. Not to comfort or aid her demanded wants.

"I knew this would happen eventually. You've always been the problem child." She swore her green eyes narrowing on his blue ones.

The Queen's quills ran down her back, in a deep purple color. Now seeming lighter due to the sunlight beaming on her face and body. A warmth spread through Sonic's body. The one from a mother's unconditional love. One that saw no bounds and no restrictions.

Instead her face showed hatred and disdain. Twisting in an expression Sonic was never shown throughout childhood. Her expression cooled the warmth that Sonic had known. One he used to have.

She sighed and straightened her posture.

"Not that it matters. Your bride will be here soon and a new set of knights will be here by sundown." She headed for the door once more before turning to Sonic one more time to look him in the eyes and say, "then there will be no possible way for you to escape." She grinned then shut the door behind her, a small click. A lock being put into place.

The palace was one place and one place only. A place of no return.

The Queen's Oldest Son and The Island's Thief. | SonadowWhere stories live. Discover now