Hogsmeade Date

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Hermione had finally caught up to Lucas near the Great Lake. She was going to give him a minute or two to calm down. She also wanted to catch her breath and figure out what she was going to say.

Hermione: Lucas?

Lucas: Hey Granger, what brings you out here?

Hermione:You know exactly why I am here

Lucas: I'm okay, I was just a little shocked you know . . . 

Hermione: Yes, I would imagine so, but you are way too hard on yourself. You are the best wizard in our year and it's not even close 

Lucas: Hermione, you are forgetting about your-

Hermione: I'm just highly logical and good are memorizing things. You are so smart and the way you take to magic is that of a prodigy. Not only that, you work harder than anyone I know, you right now as a third year could rival anyone in that school so don't you dare start thinking about how you don't deserve to be a Dumbledore. 

Lucas just sighed. Whenever Hermione was around him, he couldn't explain it, his spirits would lift. Just her very presence made him so happy. He didn't know how or why but he didn't really care. He doesn't know what he did to deserve her in his life but he will never let her go.

Lucas: 'Smiles' What would I do without you?

Hermione: Probably be lost in the bottom of the Lake

Very quickly, despite what happened, Defense Against the Dark Arts became everyone's favorite class, all except Malfoy of course. Malfoy would hardly pay attention, just made fun of Professor Lupin's robes. Nobody paid him any attention. Gryffindor Quidditch practice began to take place, Wood was putting the team through the wringer. He believed this was the best team Hogwarts has seen in a while. Plus, this was his last shot at the Cup. Halloween was approaching so it was time for the first trip to Hogsmeade. Harry was a little down, since he cannot go. Ron was currently trying to cheer him up

Ron: Don't worry, we will bring you plenty of sweats

Harry: Thanks Ron

Ron: You are welcome mate, we all will bring you a bag fall of candy, right guys?

Ron turned to look back at Lucas and Hermione but he finally noticed, they weren't with him. Harry laughed a little, feeling a little better, he decided to help his buddy out

Ron: Where did they go? I'm sure ill find them later

Harry: Uh Ron, thats probably not a good idea

Ron: Why do you say that?

Harry: They left you for a reason

Ron: Why would they do that? Lucas is one of my best mates, he wouldn't do that

Harry: 'Facepalms' Ron, they wanted it to be a date, just the two of them

Ron: So? I don't think I would get in the . . . OHHHHHH

Harry: Now you understand?

Ron: Yes, I guess I can hangout with Dean and Seamus. 'Ron left'

Harry: Lucas owes me one, big time, I better be best man when they get married

Lucas and Hermione heading to Hogsmeade, neither one had said a word since they took of towards the all wizard village. Both of the young teenagers were nervous, they would look at each other then look away quickly. Both of them felt like their hearts were going to beat out of their chest. Once their arrived, Hermione grabbed Lucas' hand and quickly head towards the post office.

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