The First Victim

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It's been about a week since Lucas and Hermione's fight. It was quite awkward for the Golden Four. Harry and Ron did not want to get in the middle, which made Lucas irritated at them thus Lucas didn't want to hang out with them either. Lucas was wondering the halls before breakfast one morning, until someone making grunting noise

Lucas: Uh excuse me miss, do you need help?

Girl: Oh yes please, that would be lovely.

Lucas being tall for his age, reached up and was able to grab the girl's missing shoes.

Lucas: Here you go, but if you don't mind me asking miss, why were your shoes up there?

Girl: Some third years that it would be funny since I'm kinda strange

Lucas: That's rubbish, but most times, being strange is a good thing

Girl: That's what I think as well

Lucas: Well if you need anymore help, come find me, names Lucas Dumbledore

Girl: So your Professor's Dumbledore's grandson, I'm Luna Lovegood

Lucas: It's nice to meet you Luna, I'm heading towards breakfast if you want to go with me

Luna: Sorry, I actually need to go get ready, I spent all night trying to find my shoes.

Lucas nodded. He headed off towards the Great Hall. Once he got there, he saw Harry and Ron, they looked like they wanted to wave him down to sit there with them but no they didn't. Lucas was looking for Neville but he didn't see him. So, he decided to sit by himself until someone grabbed him by the arm. Lucas recognized the girl, she was in Slytherin, her name was Alex but he couldn't remember her last name.

Alex: Why don't you come sit with me and my friends?

Lucas: Uh sure, but don't you think its odd to ask that of someone who you've never talked to before?

Alex: Nope! I've always wanted to talk to you but you were always surrounded by people, now you aren't.

Lucas just sighed, Neville wasn't here, so he didn't want to sit alone. He nodded and followed the black hair girl to her seat. Once Lucas got there, he saw two girls. they one waving to Alex. One was blonde and the other one had dark hair.

Alex: Lucas, this is Daphne Greengrass the blonde and the dark hair girl is Alice Wilkinson.

Lucas: Nice to meet you ladies.

Unbeknownst to Lucas, Hermione had walked in, heard their conversation, she now set at the Gryffindor table with a noticeable frown on her face. Lucas set at the Slytherin table with his new friends the whole breakfast, he really enjoyed it. But deep down he was hurting cause he really missed Hermione but if she wasn't going to apologize, he wasn't going to talk to her.

Lucas was heading to his least favorite class, Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is sad because Lucas wants to be an Auror. He hates it because of the professor. They haven't learned a thing in the class. Oncr he arrived to class, he looked around for a seat, he saw Ron sitting by Hermione, which irked him. Harry was sitting by Seamus. Luckily for Lucas, Neville walked in, the two decided to sit together.

Lockhart: Welcome my wonderful students, Today we will have a quiz

The class let out a frustrated sigh all except Hermione of course. Lockhart passed out the quizzes. Lucas read his quiz and he couldn't believe well he could.

What is Lockhart's most successful book?

How many weeks has Gilroy Lockhart's been voted best smile?

Once Lucas read these questions, he didn't even write anything, he collected his stuff and walked out of the classroom. The class was stunned, but Lockhart acted like he didn't even care. Lucas was walking through the halls, with one destination in mind. He arrived at his destination, said the words Fudge Flies. He made it to a door before he knocked.

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