Buckbeak the Hippogriff

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The Golden Four were sitting down, eating breakfast at the Great Hall. The four were waiting around for Professor McGonagall to bring them their schedules for the year. Finally, after about ten minutes of waiting, she finally passed out the schedule to our favorite group of four. Lucas quickly looked over his schedule, didn't really mind what he saw. They all had Divination with Professor Trelawney in the north towel. 

Ron: Lets go ahead and go since we have to go to the north tower

The Golden Four set off, not long later, they seemed to be lost. After another five or so minutes of walking around aimlessly. Some of the Golden Four started to argue over directions.

Hermione: Ron, admit it, you don't know where you are going

Ron: Of course I don't know where I am going, I've never been there before 

Hermione: Then why are you the one leading us!?

Ron: If you think you can do better then go ahead

Lucas: 'quietly' I think they forget that I grew up here

Hermione looks around for a second or two before she storms off in the opposite direction, while Ron and Harry try to catch up to her. Lucas just shakes his head disappointed then slowly makes his way towards the group. Once he catches up, he sees they are talking to a painting. Next thing Lucas notices is that the painting just takes off. Ron and Harry start running right away, followed by Hermione who grabs Lucas' hand before following.

Harry and Ron entered to see a weird classroom, the tables were a little short and only allowed two per table to sit completely. Neville, Dean, and Seamus were sitting kinda squeezed together. Lavender Brown was sitting with Parvati Patil. So There was two tables left up front. As Ron and Harry got to their seats, they heard a voice coming down the stairs but they couldn't see the person 

Trelawney: Welcome, my children. In this room, you shall explore the mysterious art of Divination. In this room, you shall discover if you possess...

A crimson scrim flutters and Sybil  Trelawney  Divination Professor, glides dramatically into view , eyes huge and bug-like behind enormous glasses.

Trelawney: the Sight. Hello. I am Professor Trelawney. Together, we shall cast ourselves into the future. But know this. One either has the Gift or not. It cannot be divined from the pages of a book. Books only cloud one's Inner Eye.

Hermione: What a load of rubbish 

Lucas: Tell me about it

Ron: Where the bloody hell did you two come from?

Hermione: Us?  We've been here all along.

Lucas smirks, then winks at Hermione while Ron and Harry just stare dumbfounded at the two. Their professor spins around next to Neville, then speaks to the scared boy

Trelawney: You, boy! Is your grandmother well?

Neville: I ...  I think so

Trelawney: I wouldn't be so sure of that. 'to the rest of class'  The first term will be devoted to the reading of tea leaves. If all goes well, we will proceed to palmistry, fire omens, and finally... the crystal ball. 'eyeing Parvati' By the way, dear, beware a redhaired man.

Parvati eyes Ron dubiously. Edges her pouffe away while Ron just stares at her dumbfounded then just shrugs his shoulders

Trelawney: Unfortunately, classes will be disrupted in February by a nasty bout of flu. I myself will lose my voice. And in late spring, one of our number will... leave us forever. As the class exchanges uneasy glances, 'she  smiles brightly.' Well then. Shall we?

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