Ending the Snakes/End of 2nd Year

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Harry was a little nervous. Not only for himself but his best friend. Lucas was off fighting Tom while Harry was currently running from the snake. He had to be a little careful, spells from Lucas and Voldemort were flying all over the place. The Basilisk bursts out of the water surrounding the Slytherin statue and thrashes about; Harry turns toward the Sorting Hat, where a sword magically appears. Harry, without hesitation, grabs the sword and holds it up defensively as the Basilisk slithers toward him. Harry races for the statue and begins to climb it; the Basilisk blindly follows Harry's movements, using its tongue to track his location and lifts its body off the floor. The Basilisk uses its tongue again to find Harry's current position directly in front of it; Harry swings the sword at the Basilisk; it lunges directly at him, he dodges, and it smashes right into the statue. Harry climbs higher as the Basilisk lunges at him again, missing again; Harry climbs onto the top of the statue's head, the Basilisk lunges at Harry repeatedly as he swings the sword wildly at the creature. Eventually, the Basilisk sends Harry rolling down the side of the statue, causing him to lose the sword. Harry yells and dives for the sword

Meanwhile with Lucas

Lucas yet again had to duck under and jump out of the way of the killing curse. Tom was proving he was indeed to be a prodigy at dueling. Lucas was not doing poorly but he knew Tom was holding back, it was nothing more than a fun game. 

Tom: You know, for a second year, you are doing very well, I bet you could take on most fourth, maybe fifth years but I know there is more you are hiding, come on little Dumbledore, what about your little girlfriend, once I get out of here I'll go straight for

Tom was unable to finish his sentence as Lucas hit him with the knock back Jinx, Flipendo, it hit Tom so hard that he was sent back and hit the wall.

Tom: 'grins very evil' That's more like it, let

Tom had to throw up a shield charm to block the stunning spell but Lucas' spell broke through Tom's shield and hit him sending a few feet back. Tom was a bit dazed, Lucas was about to fire off another spell but he looked towards the direction where Harry was to see Harry, hanging off the side of the statue. He quickly uses a spell that lifts Harry a couple feet to safety before he has to dodge another killing curse from Tom.

Tom: You have fought well but its almost over now 'Smiles evil like'

Lucas was confused until he turns around and watches Harry fight the snake, the Basilisk lunges right at Harry once more. Harry stops the sword just in time, and rams it right through the Basilisk's upper jaw. The Basilisk bellows in pain until Harry pulls the sword out. Harry screams in pain as one of the Basilisk's venomous fangs just fell into his arm; he pulls the fang out, unfortunately, the venom is already in his bloodstream. The Basilisk thrashes around, roaring and bellowing in pain, collapsing under its weight, and falls backwards to the floor, dead, splashing water everywhere; Riddle stares at the Basilisk's corpse in disbelief. Harry limps past the Basilisk's corpse, and, dropping the sword and falling to his knees, he crawls towards Ginny once more as Riddle walks toward them

Tom: Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body. I guess you have little more than a minute to live. You'll be with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry.

'Harry reaches out to touch Ginny on her face. Unbeknownst to Tom, Lucas made his way around them to where the diary was laying on the floor.'

Tom: Funny... the damage a silly little book can do... especially in the hands of a silly little girl.

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