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Hello! I'm Jessica and Amongst the Waking Dreams is my debut novel. The story is complete and I'm looking for some beta readers before publishing. Only the first few chapters will be posted on Wattpad, but please message me if you would be interested in reading the rest and I can send it to you! I'm looking for any kind of critique anyone is willing to give; plot advice, grammar errors, praise, constructive suggestions, overall feeling about the book, etc. No need to be a professional, any comment is welcome and greatly appreciated! Thank you and I hope you enjoy!

If you hold your breath, strain your eyes to see,
The hidden ones may become real for thee.
Beneath the wreaths of vines, through hollow trees,
Follow the signs, like whispers on breeze.
Harken! To you, they'll call away,
To the land of the Fae.

To the gleaming brooks of waters unsullied,
Over rolling hills, untamed fields and gullies.
To the lustrous woods, their leaves carrying starlight,
They'll take you deep into the midnight.
Follow the faerie, hand in hand.
Soon you'll come to understand.

With dancing rings and cups that never empty,
This dream will feel like an unsung memory.
Enchantments galore, mystified.
Your thoughts will soon be vitrified.
With a charm and a kiss, that's all it takes,
For you to swear away your grace.

They'll promised to you, with lips that canna lie,
with mischievous mirth in their eye.
But listen not, to words that gleam,
For all is not as it seems.
What once was beauty, now with peril teems,
Revealing the horrors of these dreams.

A word of warning; Beware, O' wary!
the never sight of the faeries.
And never speak of what you deemed,
Your time amongst the waking dreams.

Amongst the Waking DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now