Chapter 7: Let the Wolf Hunt Begin

Start from the beginning

The other one, called "Coal", had gray-brown hair that fell over his eye. He was thin, but muscles bulged under his tight, pristine white trench coat. His eyes were a shimmering goldish-red.

"Who's there?" Coal called out, using an arm to block Maxim from attacking. Maxim had his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Buttercup took a deep breath, wondering what she should do.

Coal licked his lips. "There's no point in hiding. We won't kill you or anything, promise." He paused then, sniffing the air briefly. "...At least I won't. Maxim might."

"Coal," Maxim growled in protest.

"Relax. It's all good," Coal smirked, eyes swiveling as they searched the scene. "Tell me, why are you here at midnight?"

" And why should I tell you"? a distorted voice called out

to Coal, and Maxim looked at each other; Coal shrugged and continued talking.

"Why are you trespassing on Hawthorne territory? Might I add?"

"trespassing? This is a public forest. Many hikers and civilians come here."

Buttercup added it was true. Townsville Forest was open to the public and tourists. There was mainly for the waterfall, the incredible cherry blossom tree, and the natural hot springs. It's never been off-limits.

'That may be true; however, there has been a change of plans. The forest park is now closed at ten due to the recent criminal activity. The Hawthorne family bought this land and is enforcing that rule. The mayor has already approved it; people who disobey the law will be severely punished. You will have to take up any concerns with the mayor at the next city hall meeting ."

Maxim added that both guns were raised at the tree, ready to shoot down anything that moved; Buttercup heard the clicking sound and blasted into the sky as a gust of wind blew them back.

Below, Coal and Maxim stared at the sky as they watched the green streak disappear.

" I knew it; it was him! And you let him get away," spat Maxim.

Coal's eyes narrowed. "...No. That wasn't him. It was someone else." His lips curled into a smile as his sharp nails glinted in the moonlight. "It was a girl."

School the following day seemed to whizz past Buttercup like a blur. She could hardly concentrate, frustrating Butch when they tried to work on their Socials project together.

It was lunchtime, and Buttercup was preparing to join her friends in the cafeteria. But words drifted over the air to her super-hearing, coming from a music room. Someone was strumming a bass, and their words interested the green-eyed girl.

Floating toward the room, Buttercup peeked inside. Her eyes widened a bit. Michael...? DJ, Denji, and Ethan. They're all here.

Michael was sitting on an amp, strumming chords on a red bass guitar. "I'm getting sick of study books and more study books whenever I get home. Danes barely gives me any time to breathe."

Danes... Buttercup thought back to last night. Why the hell did he buy an entire forest? It seems a bit strange.

DJ laughed. He was hanging from a beam in the ceiling, his arms crossed. "Danes is your uncle, Michael. He wants you to be a good heir, so you can't blame him for shoving all those lessons down your throat." DJ jumped down in front of Michael. "Back straight, young boy!"

. Rolling his eyes, Michael swatted his friend away. "Shut up, Danes needs to remember I'm still a teenager."

"Not exactly..." DJ began, but Michael nudged him sharply. DJ rubbed his arm. "At least your guardian cares about you." He rolled his eyes. "My dad's been on a business trip for five months, and Uncle Kyle hardly pays attention to me."

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