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The town of Whoville was bustling with excitement as Valentine's Day drew near. Love was in the air. Every corner was adorned with hearts, flowers, and chocolates. The residents were preparing for the Valentine's Day celebration. They loved exchanging cards and gifts. Yet, admis all the love and joy, there was one who had no interest-the Grinch. 

He lived on the outskirts of Whoville, amongst in a dark cave on Mount Krumpit. The Grinch was known for his grumpy attitude and his hatred of most celebrations. Along with his hatred for Christmas, he despised Valentine's Day. He believed it was a pointless holiday. While the Who's were spreading love, he was plotting his next scheme. 

On the night before, he crept into town. His heart filled with hate/envy. He snuck around each house. He stole all the cards, gifts, and decorations. He cackled as his sack filled with all the treasures. As he was about to leave, he heard some soft cries from the nearby orphanage. Curiosity got the better of him, peering through the window he saw a few young Who's in their beds. Tears were streaming down their faces. The Grinch's heart began to soften. 

He felt a pang of guilt, he thought about the joy and love of theft. Yet for the first time, he felt a twinge of compassion. He remembered how lonely and unloved he felt when he first arrived in Whoville as a child. He didn't want these Who's to feel the same. He grumbled, then without a second thought he entered the house. He shuffled through the sack, as he pulled out a small box of chocolates and a few small teddy-like bears. He sat them on the nearby table, while leaving a small not that read: "Happy Valentine's Day from a not-so-grinchy Grinch.

He continued his thievery, but this time he left a little something special for each resident he stole from. As he roamed the streets back to his home, he felt his heart warm and slowly grew. When the residents woke up, they found their treasures and gifts missing. At first, they were initially upset. As they search their homes and town, they found little notes. They realized that even the grumpiest of creatures can have a change of heart. They then thought of a wonderful gift. 

Back in his cave, the Grinch was watching from afar. He noticed a little group of Who's coming toward it. He noticed a small brown lump. Once a knocked landed, he hid. Once they finally left, he opened the door. On his doorstep, was a small scruffy brown puppy-on his collar was a note. As he unfolded it, he read: "Hope this gift brings you as much joy as the notes you gave us." There was a medallion that was hooked on the puppy's collar. Which also read: "MAX."

A warm feeling spread throughout his chest, a feeling of belonging. He never received a gift like this. He never counted the town's garbage as gifts. From that day on, every Valentine's Day he left little notes throughout the town. Trying his best to spread love, not stealing it. 

The Grinch Who Stole Valentine's DayOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant