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"Yea.. We best friends.." He said while looking down. "Jisung. We need to talk."

"No, we don't. I have nothing to say to you. Get out." Jisung said harshly. 

"I'm begging, please.." Minho had this desperate voice that the younger couldn't say no to, but he had to. 

"I said no, leave." Obviously, Jisung wasn't completely over Minho, but he had to get over him. 

Minho sighed and left. He felt hopeless about the whole situation, he really did lose his Sungie...

"Jisung, he obviously still loves you! Give him a chance, please!" Changbin said, since he was the only one who knew the whole story. He needed those two to get back together. 

"Then..." Tears pricked in his eyes. "Why'd he break up with me then?! Why!? Why did he hurt me so fucking bad? If he did love me then he wouldn't have played with me! I'm just a fucking toy for him!" Jisung shouted, upset. Yes, he did love Minho, but he was hurt. Honestly, hurt wasn't enough. He was badly wounded. 

"I'm sorry, we'll leave you for now jiji, stay safe.. Love you." Felix smiled sadly as he grabbed Changbin's hand and left the dorm. 

Jisung broke down the moment the door closed. He felt his wounds rip open, he felt hopeless. He wanted Minho back. He missed the closeness of the older, the warm and safe hugs, their lips perfectly attached to eachother. He missed it all. 

<the next day at school>

Felix was rambling about what happened at Changbin's house, since he stayed overnight. 

"Oh and then he grabbed me by my- Jisung? Are you even listening?" Felix wasn't offended, just worried for his best friend. 

"Hm...?" He couldn't get words out of his mouth as his mind was clouded with thoughts. 

"Listen, forget Minwhore. He's a bitch and you deserve better. Now, cheer up and let's go to class, it's about to start." The sunshine twin said, dragging Jisung to class. 

<in class>

"Hello my lovely studends." Mrs.Young, their dance teacher greeted them with a warm smile. "Today, I'll assign you guys to pairs, you'll have to perform a dance. A romantic one, that tells us a story about two lovers, in a happy and intimate relationship."

Most of the students groaned, but the teacher just laughed. 

"I'll read out the pairs. Seungkwan and Taehyun, Wonyoung and Jia, Yeji and Momo, Minho and Jisung...." The rest of the names were just a noise in the background.

Jisung's heart skipped a beat. 'Minho?? Why the fuck him?' He thought, he hated it and Yoshi wouldn't let them do it anyway. 

"Please get into pair and discuss what are you guys going to do. Good luck my sunshines!" Mrs.Young said as everyone got up, going to their teammate. 

"Hey, Ji wha-"

"Don't call me that. You have no rights to call me names." Jisung said coldly.

"Sorry, Jisung. What are we going to do?" Minho asked, hoping for a cheerful answer from the younger, though he knew he won't get it.

"I guess.... We'll make them go from enemies to lovers.. When they get together, they're happy for a bit and they unexpectedly break up, because one of them was cheating with another whore." Jisung explained, Minho immediately knowing what Jisung means. 

"Okay.. How are we going to do it?" 

"Get up."

They were practicing for a while, the dance was touchy, their faces really close to eachother all the time. Jisung looked into Minho's eyes and saw exactly the same look in his eyes when they were in a relationship. His eyes were soft, full of love and they were shining, unlike when he was with Yoshi. 

Jisung stumbled and hurt his leg while pulling his face away from Minho's as quickly as possible. "Shit.."

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Do you want to go to the school nurse?" Minho asked, quick to kneel next to the younger.

"Why the fuck would you care!? You broke my heart, why would you care about my leg? I'm fine. You jerk." He said, getting up and limping away. Leaving the older dumbfounded.

Felix saw him from afar and ran after him. "What happened?"

"Doesn't matter, I stumbled and it's fine." 

"It doesn't look good though, let's go to the nurse's office." Felix tried to help, but it was no use. 

"I don't need to, I'm fine. I just ne- WOAH PUT ME DOWN!!" Jisung screamed as someone picked him up.

"We're going to the nurse, we'll be back soon, go get his things." Minho said and Felix nodded, going back to the room. 

<in the nurse's office> 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jisung hissed, clearly pissed off at him. 

"Taking care of you."

"Fuck off."

"No, and let me talk."

"Why shou-" Jisung was cut off with Minho's lips crashing on his. Minho pulled away a second later. 

"Now listen, I didn't want to break up with you. I had to." 

"I don't believe you, get lost dickhead. Go fuck Yoshi or something."

"Rude, but I guess fine. I'll leave...

...I love you." He said, before leaving the room and slamming the door shut.

"Y-you what....?" 

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It took me almost a month to update. I'll try to update more frequently, im really sorry

Also, sorry for the messy chap. Im so tired lmao

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