moving in !!

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Summer was a mess. You cried, you screamed, you were angry at the entire world for reasons that you could never quite explain, but you never saw Suna.

Everyday had a similar routine; wake up, lay in bed wallowing in your self pity until either your parents forced you to do something "productive" or one of your friends barged in and made you leave your soft, comfortable bed to get "fresh" air.

Your entire friend group knew what happened. Not the one you made at school, save for poor Atsumu, but Kenma, Kuroo, and the others that lived in Tokyo.

Kenma and Kuroo (bless their hearts) had been bearing the brunt of your emotions and helping you feel better the entire time. With Kenma's motivational words of, "Stop being such a loser about this. I've never seen you sad over a breakup, this is so trifling." accompanied by a disgusted look on his face and Kuroo's helpful habit of coming into your house and kidnapping you whenever he wanted without your parents so much as batting an eyelash, it was hard to really get to be sad.

On top of that, Yaku, Lev, and Yamamoto supported you every step of the way with what they thought were encouraging words and pieces of advice. They weren't really good at it—in fact, none of them particularly excelled at helping you deal with your emotions—but they tried.

The only person who could help you deal with your emotions was Yemi, all the way in a completely different city. You didn't get to see her often, and of course it wasn't a good thing to mix a rough patch where you didn't want to talk to anyone with a long-distance friendship.

She still texted and called of course—Yemi Okoro had a talent for being stubborn and refusing to let any friendships die off, calling over and over again until somebody answered instead of just leaving them alone because she believed in the art of "talking it out".

She understood you more than anyone, and that's why you couldn't wait to live together.

But you also desperately did not want to go back on campus. Your second year of college had to have been the most event-filled school year you'd ever had and Lord you did not want to know what your third year had in store for you.

You already couldn't think about what happened without cringing—it was especially challenging considering the fact that it was the only thing on your mind sometimes—and you couldn't bring yourself to even tell anybody else. Part of it was out of respect for your own privacy, most of it was shame.

Even as you held the door open for Yemi as she carried the final box inside, groaning and heaving like her arm was being ripped off  (to be fair, it was a box filled with books) you didn't want to tell her.

"I feel like I'm going to break my back carrying these damn boxes," she complained, dropping the last one with no care for how it caused a loud thump and bending over to touch her toes.

You shut the door and leaned against the wall beside the entrance, folding your arms over your chest. The windows in the apartment were huge, and the sheer amount of light that flowed in through them made you have to squint in order to see anything.

"I'm gonna pass out if I stay standing any longer." You agreed. "I'm going to sleep, wake me up when the sun's down."

"You're not gonna unpack first?"

"Eventually," you shrugged, walking down the hall. You didn't get very far before she stopped you, grabbing your arm and dragging you away from your room.

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