¡ moving out !

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"Y'know, now that we've been hanging out at your place a lot more recently, I'm actually gonna miss it after you move out." Suna commented, moving the final box to the kitchen. You tossed him a roll of tape and he got to work closing it.

"You'll like the place I'm getting with Yemi a whole lot more, trust." You promised. "Plus it's so tiring living alone. Do you know how hard it is to grocery shop? I don't know what I want to eat!"

He shrugged. "I stopped grocery shopping as soon as I moved in with the twins. Osamu's great in the kitchen and he hates when we go in there."

You cursed. "I should've asked to room with him instead of Yemi...that bitch can't cook either, we'll just be in there making grilled cheese's and watching Netflix shows..."

"Nah, I'm not letting anyone steal Osamu from me. I swear I'll be married with kids and still have him make me dinner every night. Wait...wait, that's not a bad idea."

You rolled your eyes, continuing to list off the reasons why you were tired of living alone.

"I also get scared really easily. My first night here, I slept with a kitchen knife under my pillow."

"Did you think you would die in your sleep or something?"

You shrugged, using all of your strength to kick one of the boxes closer to the door.

"Yeah. Also, there was this old guy down the hall that smiled at me when I was moving in—It was probably innocent but I was scared, man. Thought he was gonna break in while I slept."

"If you want me to stay by your side when you move, don't be afraid to call me up. I'll keep you safe all night." He promised, suggestiveness literally dripping from each word. You groaned, snatching the nearest thing (a roll of paper towels) and hurling it at him. 

"You're relentless with the jokes." You pointed out.

For an entire week, he had been over at your place every single day for hours on end helping you pack, hanging out, doing things that weren't very appropriate. Not once had he missed an opportunity to crack a sexual joke.

He must have had them stored for months now, just waiting until the two of you inevitably gave in to your feelings and he could finally say everything that was on his mind.

He laughed, picking up the paper towels that he had just barely managed to dodge in time. You couldn't pretend to be mad at him for long, he was sort of...adorably annoying? That was a weird description, you were going to pretend you never said that.

You sighed, looking around the mostly empty space that you stood in. Tomorrow was your second to last day here and honestly you were not looking forward to having to transfer all of your belongings to your parents' house just to bring it back in two months.

Maybe you could find a storage unit to store it in or something? Or perhaps you could sell everything you owned so you wouldn't actually have to deal with it.

A low, deep growl sounded throughout the area. Your brows furrowed.

"What was that?" You asked, looking around.

"Erm," Suna started, "my stomach."


"I missed Ihop so much," you sighed happily, picking up the menu.

Suna copied your action, but his eyes were trained on something behind you that you couldn't see.

"That waiter's staring you down hard," He alerted you. You turned to see who it was.

"That is in fact not a waiter, that is the manager whose mustache was burned off in the process of trying to stop the fire." You informed him, turning back. 

Suna's eyes narrowed slightly, switching between you and the manager—Gustav if you remembered correctly.

"Shit, he would look a lot better with a mustache."

"Right?!" You agreed, then laughed when he gave you a deadpan look to remind you that you were the reason why he didn't have one anymore.

As corny as it sounded; one thing you loved about spending time with Suna was the fact that he was so easy to talk to, and he just had so many thoughts hidden behind his eyes that you couldn't wait for him to share.

The craziest part was that realistically, he hadn't changed from the first time you met him, it was just that you were finally allowing yourself to actually experience moments with him without interruption.

"Shoyo's so excited to start school in August—which is wild, I thought he hated school like a normal person."

Suna hummed, putting his menu down and resting his head in his palm. "To be fair, you're here. He's never gone to school with you before, right?"

"Oh yeah, you're right. Aw, this is gonna be so fun!"

He nodded, looking away from you. His eyes scanned the restaurant and you could tell he was feeling discontent by the way his eyes darted between all the booths filled with other people.

"What's wrong?"

Suna looked back at you, then at a family of six sitting nearby.

"We should go somewhere nice."

"Right now? I thought you were craving pancakes? I'm not gonna lie, I've already mentally prepared myself for hash browns and eggs—"

"No, not now—not today. We should go on a date, don't you think?"

You couldn't help the smile that crept onto your face and the way you tried to hide it by looking down at the menu.

"Isn't this a date? We're out, we're together, it doesn't have to be something fancy."

He hummed and kept quiet, so you thought the conversation was over until he spoke again.

"I'll take you on a real date one day, it'll be great."

"Is that a promise?"

You'd never seen Suna smile so genuinely before as he confirmed that he was promising. It was contagious.

I actually hate when couples get together I usually like stop reading/watching ☠️

wc: 1006

he's so annoying - suna r. Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang