¡ ate deown !

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You looked up at the sky. It was cloudy, thundering, and drizzling.

"Kuroo is saying that he misses you." Kenma let you know in your headphones.

"Oh," Lev interjected, "he's also saying that you're his and you should wait until daddy gets home to take care of his beautiful omega kitten-whiskers—WHAT?"

"Oh, tell him I said thanks!" you answered. "I'm getting to class right now, but I'll talk to you guys later."

You hung up the phone just before walking into the visual arts building, finally being sheltered from the light droplets from the sky. It was bustling with activity as always, you even heard a trumpet player further down the hall—weird, since it was a visual art building, not performing arts. Unfortunately, you had to get into the class so you didn't get to see it.

The room was still mostly empty though, surprisingly. Apparently most people actually had left to watch the trumpet player—including your professor. You considered turning back and walking down the hall but you were already there and even though you tried to convince yourself otherwise, there was really no point.

You stepped into the class, though your mind was distracted by thoughts, and nearly stepped on something before just narrowly avoiding it. You looked at the ground and find that it was...a randomly placed stray banana peel? What the fuck was a banana peel doing on the ground? You shrugged.

Someone should probably pick that up.

Suna wasn't at your table either, which made you assume he was watching the trumpet player too—or he was running late. You weren't dedicated enough to actually check, so you took your seat and pulled your phone out of your pocket, resting your elbows on the table. Your fingers were somehow still greasy from the French fries you'd eaten this morning which irked you. Fumbling around the screen, pressing buttons you didn't mean to, Jesus this was horrible. At some point the camera app opened, pointing to the door.

"Damn it—ugh, I need a napkin. I shouldn't have used Yemi's dumb hand sanitizer." you muttered.

You were fumbling to close out of the app, but your phone was slipping and instead of swiping out of the app, you accidentally took a photo. At the same time, you heard a loud thump from the front. You put your phone down and looked up along with the three other people in class.

"Why the fuck is there a banana peel on the ground?!"

Suna was standing, holding onto the professor's desk for dear life, looking pale. The banana peel was half crushed to the ground.

Shaken, he walked over to your table. You couldn't help but laugh, though you felt a bit guilty knowing it would've been avoided if you had picked it up when you saw it.

"Are you okay?" you asked, holding back a full laugh as he took his seat beside you, looking completely disoriented.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm cool," he muttered, "just...cool. You didn't see that, did you?"

You shook your head a little too quickly.

He didn't believe you, obviously, so he just rolled his eyes.

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