¡ welcome back !

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You almost missed the ringing of your phone through your frantic rushing back and forth.

"Hello?" You started, picking up Suna's FaceTime and leaning your phone against your desk's lamp.

"Hey—where'd you go?"

You popped your head into the frame for a second before going back to choosing an outfit. Why didn't you decide what to wear earlier? Why did you always leave important things to the last minute?

"What are you in such a rush for?" Suna asked, the top half of his face filling the camera. Not the same way Hinata usually did, making his cranium look ginormous, but just in a way where you could tell he was laying down.

"I'm getting ready to go hang out with my Nekoma friends in Tokyo. Kuroo's finally back and he's always going ON AND ON about how I 'need to dress up' and 'look like a lady'. Like okay, and what if you catch another flight to Singapore and mysteriously don't come back?"

His face scrunched in confusion.

"Kuroo...who is that again?" He asked. "The really tall wasian one with the grey-ish hair?"

"No, that's Lev. Kuroo is pretty tall, though. I'll send you picture of him later."

He nodded, and for the next few minutes, the two of you stayed on the phone, not exchanging many words until it was time for you to leave.

You promised to talk to him later and ran out of your apartment, hopping onto the bus.

besties 4eva 😘💯
3:10 pm

fee fi fo fum (Lev)
y/n wya 😭😭😭😭
Kenma won't stop giving me dirty looks
I'm so scared he's gonna attack me

kenma 💓💓💓
I don't like being face to face w ur stomacb
get a reverse knee bbl

yama 😘

no way you're still scared of someone 2 ft shorter than you lev

kenma 💓💓💓
hahahaha 😐

kuroo 🔥💯🆘❤️‍🔥🗡️
Y/N 😩😩
I'm feeling my life force slipping away every second we aren't together 😢

Yaku 🫶

then you shouldn't have left me to travel 😒
mf said yolo and toured all of Asia like be so fr
how was Laos 😩

kuroo 🔥💯🆘❤️‍🔥🗡️
I'll tell u when u get here shawts 😭🙏

almost there guys pls don't start eating without me

kuroo 🔥💯🆘❤️‍🔥🗡️
Girl you are over an hour late we're on our second course 😭

Yaku 🫶
Says the guy who got here 10 minutes ago

late to your own dinner is crazy

kenma 💓💓💓


js noticed I always post 2 chapters back to back then disappear for a week that's so weird 😭

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