LLL-Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Another bright morning greeted Andee as she was awakened by the loud alarm of her boardmate. She covered her ear with a pillow, attempting to go back to sleep, but drowsiness no longer visited her. The alarm continued to blare. Reluctantly, she got up to tap her boardmate lying on the upper bunk.

"Yara, your alarm! It's annoying!"

Her boardmate stirred but only to pull the blanket closer. Andee then climbed the stairs to get the cellphone. She furrowed her brow when she saw the wallpaper featuring a girl without a top.

"Pervert," she quipped in her thoughts.

She turned off the alarm and used Yara's index finger to unlock the screen. She disabled all of Yara's alarm times. She chuckled at her mischievous act, knowing that her boardmate had a 7:30 class, so it would be a significant revenge if she didn't wake up early.

She geared up for her daily training routine. She was a student-athlete at Sanders University, specializing in track and field. She was dedicated and often trained alone. She had completed three laps on the track. She took a seat on the side, observing her fellow athletes who were jogging.

Her attention was drawn to a girl walking on the track while recording a video. She chuckled as the girl almost stumbled. She knew her; she was a transferee with a well-known name on campus. She had a significant following on social media and often live-streamed her activities.

She took her cellphone and logged into her dummy account. She quickly went to the page of the girl, "Gyo Aegyo."

"The page name is really corny," she commented again.

Many were watching the live stream. She leaned back while watching and also joined in the comments. She laughed when she saw that her friend was watching too but ignored them since her dummy account was a secret.

She wanted to annoy her schoolmate, so she left comments—repeated comments!

"Trying hard early morning!" She pasted this ten times.

Her comments were flooded with angry reactions, which she found amusing.

Gyo stopped walking. Andee grinned when she saw Gyo furrow her brow, seemingly focused on her cellphone.

"Your morning must be wonderful, Blue Parrot." That was her dummy account. "You're ruining the morning vibe! God bless you anyway!"

She replied with a haha reaction and said good morning. Not content, she continued with meme comments.

"You think you can ruin my day? No way! Screw you, Parrot!"

Her phone notified her of low battery, preventing her from replying. She pocketed her cellphone and returned to the boarding house.

Yara was extremely annoyed when Andee arrived. She initially thought it was because of the alarm, only to find out it was because Gyo suddenly ended the live stream.

"There's an attention-seeker. That Parrot is annoying. Ruining the day! Gyo, my love, is so beautiful. Tsk! Too bad she ended the live."

"What's with her? She's not even pretty."

"Hey... Gyo is pretty. You're probably the only one who doesn't appreciate her. And of course, her haters." She grabbed her towel. "I'll take a shower now. I'll pass by Gyo my love's classroom. I want to see her eye-smiles."


Andee was reluctant to accompany Yara to Gyo's classroom. Her boardmate insisted, saying it was payment for turning off the alarms. Yara even bought breakfast to give to Gyo.

"Girl, this is not normal. Why are you buying her food? Like, what for?"

"To prevent her from getting sad. Can't you see?" Yara showed her a screenshot from the live stream. "See those sad eyes? I blame that Parrot!"

Andee shook her head in disbelief. "You fans are ridiculous. You're falling for her pity party. She's just fooling you."

"Whatever. I want to make her smile. Come on!"

They were now in front of the Flores building, where Gyo's class was.

"Know what? This is crazy. You're like a stalker. I'm leaving. I don't want to get involved in this."

When she turned away, she was startled because the girl they went to see was approaching with a guy following her. The guy carried flowers, and like Yara, she had a food pack. Andee immediately sensed that Gyo didn't appreciate being followed.

"Come on, Gyo. Just accept this," the guy said.

"Vyster," Yara whispered to Andee. "Do you know the one from the basketball team? The captain? That's his brother. Self-proclaimed chic boy."

"I don't accept gifts or anything. Okay? Please. Just leave."

"Vyster..." Yara called to get the guy's attention. "I'll tell your brother about this. You'll see." "Mind your own business, Lezzy," Vyster shouted back.

Andee winced at Vyster's insult towards Yara. Her friend's preferences were not a secret to most, but she couldn't stand the insults, especially from someone like Vyster, who was clearly homophobic.

What angered her more was Vyster's insulting gaze directed at her. "Do you have a problem with what I said? Lezzy?"

Andee clenched her fist, restraining herself because she didn't want to get involved in any trouble.

"Don't you dare talk like that to my girlfriend."

Andee's eyes widened at Gyo's statement. Especially when Gyo approached her, intertwining their hands.

"Escort me to my room, Babe. I feel uncomfortable here."

Andee cursed silently in her mind. Both she and Yara were confused!

"Just follow us," Gyo softly said. "I'm uncomfortable with that guy."

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