The Concert Begins! What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Start from the beginning

As the night progressed, Eric transformed from a doting father into the Fox, his stage persona, ready to rock the stage. But no matter the makeup or the persona, he was always 'Daddy' to his little girl.

Then, a roadie came in the dressing room and told them that they are up in 30 minutes.

Eric got up and went through his bag as he pulled out a small sized box and walked back towards his daughter. "Erica, since it's your birthday tomorrow. I wanted to give you this. Consider it an early birthday present." Eric said as he opened the box and revealed a necklace.

" Eric said as he opened the box and revealed a necklace

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"Beautiful necklace there, Eric." Paul said as he came forward and glanced at it. "Only the best for my little rockstar." Eric said as he puts the necklace around Erica's neck as Erica giggled and hugged her father.

"Huh, my present is going to make Erica call me her, Uncle Gene. The best uncle in the world." Gene said as he stood up and went outside. "He is Erica's uncle." Eric said as he and Paul laughed.

"Don't worry, curly. I got your daughter a gift too. But, I'll give it to her tomorrow night." Ace said as he did his signature laugh and Erica giggled again.


"10 minutes left, everyone!" Paul said as they all got up and walked towards the backstage and got ready in their places. Eric with his daughter, Erica was last to come up on stage.

"Now, I want you to stay with this nice lady for a few hours, alright? I'll be back soon. Lauren, please look after her? And, if you need anything, the instructions are in her bag." Eric said as he left and went behind his drums and the show started.


"Now, little Erica. Do you want to watch your dad?" Lauren asked as Erica clapped her tiny hands. And, Lauren puts her in a orange beanie while she reads through the instructions on how to fix up her a snack.

Backstage, amidst the excitement and anticipation, the roadie took on the role of a temporary babysitter.

As she began assembling a simple snack, the roadie engaged in playful conversation with Erica. She made funny faces, eliciting giggles and smiles from the adorable toddler. She shared stories of the band's adventures on the road, hoping to entertain her while her father rocked the stage.

While Lauren was busy in the makeshift kitchen, she engaged in playful conversations with Erica. She made more funny faces, sang silly songs, and tried to keep her entertained for another couple of hours.

However, in the midst of their joyful interaction, a moment of distraction allowed a mischievous individual to seize the opportunity. In a shocking turn of events, Erica was kidnapped right under Lauren's watchful eyes.

Panicked and devastated, Lauren immediately alerted the security team and the band members. The news spread like wildfire, and everyone backstage was in a state of shock and disbelief.

~With The Band Kiss~

Amidst the chaos, Eric couldn't help but steal glances at a picture of Erica that he kept close to his heart. The thought of his little girl waiting for him backstage brought him immense joy and motivation. He couldn't wait to finish the concert and rush back to her side.

After an electrifying performance that left the crowd roaring with applause, Eric returned to the backstage area, expecting to reunite with Erica.

Word reached him that his daughter was nowhere to be found. His heart sank, and anger boiled inside him. He stormed through the backstage area, his bandmates chasing after him, desperately trying to calm him down.

Panic and anger surged through his veins as he frantically searched every corner of the venue, calling out her name.

His eyes then fell on Lauren, as he walked up towards her and grabbed her by her color.

"Where is my daughter!?" Eric asked almost yelling. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Carravello! I was just fixing her a snack but, when I turned around she was gone! I'm really sorry!" Lauren pleaded as her eyes were swollen up from all the crying that she knew the drummer would react like this.

"If my daughter is not found for 1 week, I will hold you personally responsible!" Eric yelled as this caught everyone's attention towards him.

Paul let's out a sigh of worries and stepped forward as he placed a hand on Eric's shoulders.

"Eric, we'll find her. We won't rest until she's safe," Paul reassured, his voice filled with determination.

Gene placed a comforting hand on Eric's shoulder, his voice steady and soothing. "We're here for you, Eric. We'll do whatever it takes to bring her back." Gene said.

Ace, always the voice of reason, stepped forward. "Let's think logically, Eric. We'll contact the authorities and use our network to spread the word. We'll find her." Ace said as he pulled out his phone and started calling the authorities.

As the night wore on, Eric's anger slowly transformed into a fierce determination. Together with his bandmates, they rallied their resources, reaching out to their fans and the local community for help. They refused to let despair consume them, knowing that their bond as a band and as friends would guide them through this dark chapter.

To be continued

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