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Flashback (In Felix's POV.-)

"If he really had any feelings for you, he would have never bet you or your love."


Her voice was low and fumbling. I inhaled and exhaled deeply. My patience was getting low. I don't know why she couldn't see that the environment she had trapped herself in was not love but her illusion. She thinks that she loves her fiancee because she is engaged to him. I want her to look beyond that illusion.

"What do you mean?"

She asked taking a step closer. Her words were trembling and her eyes had turned moist again. I inhaled to calm myself down.

I should not do this.

I thought and turned around to gather my thoughts. But she held my hand to turn me back towards her.

"What do you mean?"

She asked in a loud voice while looking at me confused, furious and lost. I huffed before looking at her beat-red face.

"He made a deal with me."

I said while staring into her eyes. I saw her face turning blank as her damp lashes blinked rapidly.


She whispered making me sigh and turn towards her. She looked down making me gulp and hold her shoulder. She slowly lifted her head to look at me.

"Yes. He knows that I have feelings for you. And when I told him, instead of getting angry, he smiled. I told him that I could make you fall for me in a week and make you realise your feelings. And he agreed. He said that he is too confident that you will never fall for me. He thinks that you will never look at other men because you have bound yourself with him. And that's exactly what I don't want. I want you to see around yourself. Your life is much more than just an arrangement. You have many options in your life. He's not the only man that you should always think about him. I'm not saying it because I love you. I want you to find yourself. I want you to realise your feelings. I want you to find true love even if it's not me. But please don't make this arrangement your reality. You are much more than this."

I said in a pleading voice. My eyes started to get teary. She kept looking down silently. After a little silence, she raised her head. I gazed at her lips parting and taking in a shuddering breath before she looked into my eyes.

"You want me to see around myself? He is the one who made me realise that there's a world around me. You think my life is much more than just an arrangement? He had made me free from that arrangement a long ago. Yes, he's not the only man I should think about. But he IS the only man in my life which I want to think about. You want me to find myself? He has discovered a me that I was unaware of myself. You want me to realise my feelings? Since the moment I have seen him, I have realised what having feelings means. You want me to find true love? He is the one who has shown me what true love means. This arrangement IS my reality. And trust me, this is the most beautiful reality I have in me. And this reality has made me see what I truly am."

She said with a smile on her face and tears in her eyes. Her each word was directly from her heart and it went deeper into my soul. She didn't blink neither looked away while saying those words. I stared at her as she smiled a little and took a step back from me. Making me shake my head.

"But he agreed to do something which he knows will hurt you. Do you think it's because of love? He wanted to test your love. He wanted to test your loyalty. He didn't contact you just because I challenged him. He didn't think about your feelings even for a second. And you think he loves you?"

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