Watching her making food , always do change my thoughts on her favour. She deserves the best, The Princess Treatment.

I arranged our plates on the dining table until she came out with the food.

"Kunal." I called out.
The poor boy was sitting near the garden keeping his own chair. He isn't poor though , he disturbed Inayat.

He came inside rubbing off his elbows where most probably, mosquitoes would have biten him.
"Kunal, sit." Siya made him sit on the chairs.

"Bhabhi, we could have ordered Naan!" Inayat complaint coming out of her room.
"It's more tasty, Inayat. You don't know how the chef would have rolled on the chapatis. I could assure you about the hygiene here." Kunal said urging Inayat to sit and eat silently through his one glare.

I stood up as Inayat went inside and Kunal went out for a walk after we all ate up.
"Siya." I held her wrist when she held the held the glass.

She turned her face away from me.

"Siya, why are you not talking to me?"

"You denied me for something." Her face hid behind her locks as she looked down getting emotional.

"Isn't the matter too small for getting upset?" I reasoned out frustrated at her childish behaviour.

"I am Sorry." Her words clogged up in her throat as a sob escaped out. It's actually hard to handle a spoiled princess.

"No, don't say sorry. It's actually my fault." That I married you.

"No, it's mine. I was just stressing over something unuseful. That Girlish Hormone in me makes me behave so."

"Estrogen stimulates this too?" I looked at her horrified at not knowing something this big.

"No. It's something different. You wouldn't know." She screamed.
I nodded. Atleast I didn't missed something in that 'too much readed Sexual reproduction chapters'.

"Will you go to sleep now or we can go to the terrace?" She asked her palm pressed against my chest, looking at me questioningly.

"Good Idea. You go, I will bring you some coffee." I didn't missed the wide smile on her face while I was going towards the kitchen.

I quickly added cofee to three cups of milk. Passing one to Inayat quickly, I jumped off the stairs skipping one at once.

"Careful." She whispered holding the cup, who came out half empty after I stumbled on the last stair.

"Oh Sorry."

We stood near the railing after sipping our cofee as soft wind passed against us , comforting us to much extent.

"Don't you think you should talk?"
I looked at her confused.

"About what?"

"Come on ,Arjun. You talk so less. You give me introvert vibes."

"You think this." I looked towards her face parting the street lights away from my vision.

"Yes. We never discussed about each other. You know like... Tell me about your partner search. How many girls did you met before me?"

Her face fell listening to me. She should have felt happier knowing that I compared her with no one.

"Arjun." She whined.
"Okay, Sorry . Tell me about what type of guy did you wanted as a husband?"

"None." She glared at me.

"I said Sorry, right. Now please tell me." I looked at her curiously. It's something everyone deserves to know that what they are expected to do and what not.

That Perfect Smile of HimWhere stories live. Discover now