Chapter 37: A Sentence and A Song

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Last time: "You're right, Dr. Shobha," Banni declared firmly, "I want to change for the better, not just for Yuvaan or Kabir, but for myself too. I want to grow, heal, and become the best version of myself." Dr Shobha smiled warmly, proud of Banni's resolve. "That's a wonderful mindset, Banni," she praised. "Remember, your journey of self-change is personal, and it will require dedication, self-reflection, and self-compassion. But I do not doubt you have the strength and determination to succeed."


February 22nd, 2023, 8:00 pm, Rathore Bhavan, Jodhpur

With a light heart and a tune on his lips, Kabir entered his room, his mind still resonating with the harmonious notes of his violin from his music therapy session. The session with Kartik had been incredibly fruitful, and he could hardly wait to share the news with Banni. He was sure it would bring a smile to her face, knowing that they were a step closer to bringing Yuvaan back.

However, he was taken aback as he swung open the door, expecting to be greeted by a warm, welcoming room. The room was enveloped in a gloomy darkness, starkly contrasting his elated spirits. Frowning, he squinted in the dim light, looking for Banni.

His heart thumped loudly as he spotted her on the bed. She was huddled up, her body shaking violently. It was as if she was caught in the throes of an invisible storm, her face a terrifying mask of fear and despair.

His cheerful whistling died on his lips as he rushed towards her, his mind a whirlwind of worry. "Banni Chow!" he called out in alarm. He gently touched her trembling shoulder, trying to bring her back from whatever nightmare had its grip on her.

"Banni Chow, look at me," he said firmly, but she simply shook her head, her eyes wide with panic. Kabir felt a cold dread settle in the pit of his stomach. He had seen Banni upset before, but never like this. He remembered how hopeful she had been during their conversation earlier in the day, and he couldn't understand what could have caused such a drastic shift in her emotional state.

Deciding that he needed to ground Banni before she hurt herself, he began to employ the grounding techniques that Dr. Sandeep had taught him. He knew they were meant to help him centre himself, but he hoped they could also comfort Banni.

In an attempt to bring Banni back to reality, Kabir gently cupped her cheek, forcing her to face him. He took her hand in his other hand, holding it securely and comfortingly. "Banni Chow," he said, his voice steady, "look at me. Can you recognize who I am?"

Banni slowly blinked, her eyes focusing on his face. After a few long moments, she stuttered, "Yu...Yuvaan."

A moment of realization dawned on Kabir. Banni was seeing him as Yuvaan. The dim light in the room must have made his eyes appear darker, like Yuvaan's, causing Banni's confusion.

For a few heartbeats, Kabir considered correcting Banni, but then he saw an opportunity. He could use this situation to help Banni ground herself. "Yuvaan" could be her anchor.

"Yes, Banni Chow," he said softly, his voice full of compassion, "it's Yuvaan. I'm here, with you. You're safe. Can you feel my hand holding yours?"

In the dim light of the room, with Banni mistaking him for Yuvaan, Kabir continued to lead her through the grounding techniques. His voice became her lifeline, the touch of his hand a reassuring anchor. As he guided her, he hoped this would help Banni calm her racing mind and return her to the present.

Guided by her "Yuvaan," Banni's shuddering gradually ceased. Her body slowly stilled, but she still clung to his hand, her grip vice-like. Then, all of a sudden, it was as if she had lost all her strength. Her body slumped forward, and Kabir swiftly caught her in his arms.

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