Chapter 36: Connections through Forgiveness

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Last Time: They held each other in companionable silence, finding solace and strength in their shared embrace. After some time, Kabir broke the silence, his voice soft and vulnerable. "Banni Chow, did you tell Yuvaan about Tulika's lie?"


August 10th, 2021, 11:00 am, Rathore Bhavan, Jodhpur

"Don't worry, Tulika," he reassured her. "I will make sure you are comfortable, and the baby will not want for anything. They are my responsibility now."

Alpana's anger boiled over as she interjected, her voice laced with frustration and rage. "What kind of deal is this, Yuvaan?" she exclaimed, her eyes flashing with intensity. "Doesn't Tulika deserve to be loved too? She willingly sacrificed her love for your sake, and now you're treating her like some unwanted burden? When will she ever get justice? First, Kabir drugs and marries her, and now you refuse to make things right?"

Yuvaan's mind was overwhelmed with Alpana's words, causing a vivid memory to flash through his mind.


He found himself standing in a beautifully decorated room, with Tulika before him, radiating happiness as a newly wedded bride. The mangalsutra adorned her neck, and sindoor graced her parting. His hand instinctively reached out to caress her cheek.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked Tulika with concern.

Tulika looked deeply into his eyes and smiled. "I am sure," she replied with conviction.

At that moment, his heart overflowed with relief, and he leaned in to kiss Tulika, sealing their commitment to each other.

Tulika kissed him back passionately, her hands moving to remove his sweatshirt. As they embraced, he felt a surge of triumph coursing through his veins. Everything would be perfect now. Tomorrow, he would marry Tulika, and they would start a new life together, a life where no one would harm them ever again. No one could stop him, not even Banni Chow and her Yuvaan.


Yuvaan desperately shook his head, trying to block out the memory flash —that he recognised as Kabir's — invading his mind. The scene of Kabir and Tulika's romance made him feel disgusted and tainted, as if tar was seeping into his skin, staining him and reminding him of why Banni had chosen to leave him.

His hands trembled as he clenched his fists, fighting against the overwhelming emotions that threatened to consume him. He couldn't bear to watch the memory play out in his mind any longer. It was a painful reminder of the darkness that lurked within him, the broken pieces that made up his fractured identity. The weight of self-loathing pressed down on him, suffocating his spirit. Would this torment ever go away, or was it to be his lot for the rest of his life? But as the tar seemed to burn through his skin, it ignited a fire in his heart.

A fire of hurt and anger.

It boiled over, consuming him until he couldn't contain it. His voice erupted, raw and fierce, "Enough about Kabir!"

Every word dripped with the pain he had held inside for so long. His voice echoed through the room, challenging anyone to dismiss his anguish. It was a cry for recognition, a demand to be seen for who he truly was.

The room fell silent, his family frozen in shock at the intensity of his outburst. Yuvaan stood there, his chest heaving, eyes blazing with defiance and vulnerability.

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