Chapter 3: Compromises and Complexities

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Last time: Kabir nodded slowly, still unsure but willing to trust Sandeep. "I want to improve," he said softly. "For Banni, for Atharva, and for Yuvaan and myself."

"And you will," Sandeep replied. "We will all work through this together."

Dr. Shobha nodded, sensing that Banni needed time to consider the idea. "Take your time, Banni. And remember, I'm here if you need me."


February 5th, 2023, 10:00 a.m., Jain Counselling Centre, Jodhpur

Dr Sandeep and Dr Shobha were seated in a small conference room, deep in thought, reviewing Kabir's case. They had just finished listening to the recordings of Kabir's first session with Sandeep and Banni's session with Shobha. The room was quiet except for the sound of the air conditioner, which hummed in the background.

As they discussed Kabir's case, Sandeep leaned forward and remarked, "Kabir is a complex case. I have never come across such a case of Dissociative Identity Disorder. Although his disorder was diagnosed two years ago, he has not received any treatment beyond addressing the initial trauma. Despite this, he has established a rapport with his alter and seems to be controlling it quite well. But, it is evident that he is struggling with his emotions, as evidenced by his outbursts."

Shobha listened intently before jumping in with her insights, "Kabir's struggle may be due to his grief. Banni says that he was extremely attached to Tulika, and his file indicates that his last 'transition' from Yuvaan to Kabir was also due to the trauma of her death. Her death anniversary is approaching, and perhaps his reluctance to process his grief is causing these emotional fluctuations."

"This may sound strange, Shobha," Sandeep said softly, leaning forward in his chair. "But I don't think Kabir's determination to erase Tulika from his life is due to grief." His eyes were serious, and Shobha leaned in, intrigued. "Elaborate please," she demanded.

"So when Kabir mentioned the name of his alter, the name Yuvaan Singh Rathore seemed very familiar. Then last night, when I went to say goodnight to our girls, I finally realized why. I found his poster in Savi's room." he explained, referring to their 14-year-old daughter.

"Wait a minute... Yuvaan Singh Rathore, that angsty singer Savi has been obsessing about for the past two years, that's Kabir?" Shobha asked, flabbergasted. She couldn't help but wonder what else they might uncover about Kabir's past. She had a nagging feeling that there was something else at play, something that they had yet to uncover. Sandeep had a gift for piecing together information, and she trusted his instincts.

"Yes... Or rather, his alter... so when I found this, I immediately researched more."

"Was that why you came to bed at 3:00 a.m.?" Shobha asked archly, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes... you know how I get when I find a mystery right?" Sandeep said sheepishly. "I just couldn't wait until we got the complete file."

"I know..." Shobha said with a fond smile, before bidding him to continue.

"Yes, so I also listened to Yuvaan's debut album, Tanhaayee..." he said with a shudder. "It was a haunting experience. The album consisted of eight songs, each one delving deeper into the emotions of loneliness, abandonment, betrayal, and heartbreak. The lyrics were raw and powerful, and if he was channelizing his emotions through this album, then I am dreading to discover what he went through during this time."

"But he could be using this album to channelize his grief over Tulika's death too right?"

"No, Shobha, the dates don't match. Tulika died in February 2022, three months after the release of Tanhaayee. It was announced three months before that, in August 2021. It seems that Yuvaan was already feeling lonely and heartbroken long before Tulika's death. Perhaps he was trying to cope with the ups and downs of their relationship through his music."

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