Chapter 5: Descent into Darkness

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Last time: Sandeep watched as Kabir walked out of the counselling centre. He knew that Kabir had a long road ahead of him, but he also knew he had the support of his therapists, his family and most importantly, Yuvaan. And that was enough for now.


February 5th, 2023, 5:30 p.m., Banni Chow Home Delivery Kitchen, Jodhpur

After his session with Dr Sandeep, Kabir entered the Banni Chow Home Delivery Kitchen. His eyes searched the crowded room for his wife, but he soon realized she wasn't among the ladies cooking and packing dinner.

Kabir's palms began to sweat, and his heart thundered in his chest. He could hear the blood rushing in his ears. His thoughts were scattered, and his breaths came out in short gasps. He felt his anxiety increasing, and the panic setting in.

"Where is she?" Kabir's heart began to race as he asked everyone he could find, his voice growing increasingly frantic. "Where's Banni?" The cooks exchanged nervous glances and pointed towards her office. Kabir's desperation was palpable, and he was on the verge of losing control. With each step, he felt like he was running in slow motion, the hallway stretching on forever. Finally, he reached her office, and his eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of her. And then he saw her, sitting at a desk, scribbling something down. Relief flooded through him, and he rushed towards her, enveloping her in a tight embrace.

Banni felt a pang of suspicion as Kabir hugged her tightly; his grip was almost desperate. She gently pushed him away and cupped his face with her hand, searching his features. That was when she saw it: the fear and anxiety that had taken hold of him.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Kabir's eyes darted towards the corner of the room, where Atharva's cot lay empty. Banni followed his gaze, realizing what he was thinking.

"Vishnu took him home," she said softly, "He was getting restless cooped up in the cot. He's safe, Kabir."

Kabir let out a sigh of relief, his shoulders slumping slightly. And then Banni asked him the question that had been on her mind since he arrived.

"Are you okay?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Kabir's eyes met hers, and he felt a surge of emotion. "As long as I have you and Atharva with me, I'll be fine," he said, before leaning in to kiss her.

As their lips met, Kabir's mind flashed back to his conversation with Dr Sandeep. He remembered admitting that Banni coming closer used to be Yuvaan's trigger, but it didn't work anymore. And then he wondered why it didn't work anymore. Was it because Yuvaan was unable to take control? Or was there something else going on?

Banni pulled away from the kiss, her eyes searching his face for a response. But Kabir didn't say anything; he was lost in thought. He wondered why Yuvaan wasn't even trying to take control. And he wondered if that was a good thing or a bad thing. The silence between them was palpable, and the weight of what was left unsaid hung heavily in the air...


February 6th, 2023, 3:00 p.m., Jain Counselling Centre, Jodhpur

Sandeep watched Kabir as he sat with his eyes fixed on the floor, recounting the incident which occurred the previous day.

"I don't know why I panicked like that, Dr Sandeep," Kabir said, his voice low. "I know I overreacted. But at that moment, it was like I couldn't breathe, like I was suffocating."

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