Chapter 26: Fragments of Trust

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Last time: Kabir nodded, reassuring, "I'll convey your message to her, Yuvaan. I want you to know that your understanding and forgiveness mean a lot to Banni. It will bring her great comfort and peace".


February 17th, 2023, 10:00 pm, Rathore Bhavan, Jodhpur

"Is that all he had to say?" Banni asked Kabir, her voice tinged with sadness.

Banni's eyes filled with disappointment as she listened to Kabir deliver Yuvaan's message. She had hoped for more, for some indication that Yuvaan was ready to retake control and resume their life together. However, it appeared that Yuvaan had only wanted Kabir to convey his forgiveness and good wishes.

Kabir nodded, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Yes, Banni," he replied softly. "Yuvaan wanted me to assure you that he holds no anger or blame towards you. He wants you to let go of any guilt and find true happiness."

Tears welled up in Banni's eyes as she processed Kabir's words. She had hoped for a chance to rebuild their relationship, to start anew with Yuvaan. But it seemed that he wasn't ready yet.

Banni's voice trembled as she asked Kabir the question that had been weighing on her mind. "Did Yuvaan say anything about when he will take control again?" she asked, her voice filled with longing.

Kabir's heart sank as he silently shook his head, unable to give Banni the answer she desperately wanted to hear. He understood her yearning for Yuvaan's return but also knew that healing took time and patience.

Banni turned away, biting her lip as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. She clenched the bedsheets tightly, trying to hold herself together as a wave of emptiness washed over her. Yuvaan's forgiveness, though kind and understanding, only served as a painful reminder of the chasm that still existed between them.

Sensing Banni's turmoil, Kabir shifted closer to her, his arm wrapping gently around her shoulders. She leaned into his embrace, finding solace in his presence. His warmth and support offered her a small measure of comfort amidst the ache in her heart.

They sat silently, the weight of their emotions hanging heavy in the air. Kabir didn't try to offer empty words of reassurance or false hope. Instead, he simply held Banni, allowing her the space to grieve and process the complex mix of emotions that consumed her.

Banni closed her eyes, allowing herself to surrender to the vulnerability that engulfed her. Her tears flowed freely now, releasing her emotions and providing a small measure of relief. Kabir's steady presence was an anchor, grounding her amid her pain.

Finally, Banni broke the hug, looking up at Kabir with teary eyes. "Kabir," Banni's voice trembled as she turned to face him, her eyes filled with tears. "He still doesn't trust me, does he? He's still scared that I'll abandon him again."

Kabir's heart ached as he looked into Banni's eyes, seeing the pain and longing within them. He nodded silently, unable to find the words to confirm the harsh reality. The fear of being hurt again lingered in Yuvaan's heart, making it difficult for him to relinquish his doubts and fully trust Banni.

Gently, Kabir cupped her face, offering comfort and support. "Banni, trust takes time to rebuild," he said softly. "Yuvaan has been through so much, and it's natural for him to be cautious. But I believe that with patience and understanding, we can help him heal and regain that trust."

Banni's voice quivered with frustration as she poured her heart to Kabir. "Kabir, I just don't know what to do anymore," she confessed, her voice laced with helplessness. "I want to help Yuvaan, to rebuild his trust in me, but it feels like I'm constantly falling short. How can I make things right when he won't even directly talk to me?"

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