He hesitated as if he was trying to think of an answer.

"You dont have to answer," I said.

"No no. My life is quite complicated actually," he said. "So its just hard to explain," he said.

I nodded not pushing the subject further. I paused for a moment before asking, "Why did you come to Paris?"

"Well... again complicated... but Ive been quite distracted lately. My wife passed away a few years ago. She was killed and its been hard on me recently and been very distracting and has been causing me to "Cloud my judgement" As my so called boss says," he said.

I nodded looking down. "Im sorry for your loss," I said reaching across the table toucching his hand. His hand was ice cold. But there was an electrifying feeling when our hands met.  I quickly pulled my hand away with it.

"Its okay. It was a long time ago," he said looking down. I could tell he was in pain from it.

"Loss isnt easy. It never is," I said. "Do you have support?"

"Yes my family is very supportive of me..." he said. "Youd be very good in psych," he chuckled.

"Thank you," as soon as I thought my cheeks were dull they reddened up once again.

"Would you like another drink?" He asked. "And maybe some food?"

"Uh sure..."

"What would you like?" He said pushing me the menu.

Ugh. I dont know what the hell Im looking at, so I just chose what I got last time. "Sand dollar cocktail and fish and chips?" I said well more like a question.

"Of course. I will order," he said standing taking the menu to the counter. I watched from afar.

Jess tapped on my shoulder. "Score score score!!!!"

"Shut up!!!!!"

"Hes good looking take him to the hotel. Ill find somewhere else to go. Or better yet let him take you to his!! Ill pick you up," she giggled.

"No its not going that far..." I blushed. "We're just talking,"

"We'll see. We will see," she said then jumped away seeing Caius come back.

I placed my head on the table so embarrassed. I heard him laugh. What if he heard. Oh god. What if he thinks I want to have sex with him. Shit. Fuck. Shit!!!

My heart raced. "Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Yes. Im actually feeling quite nauseous... I  uh should uh probably leave..." I said.

"No no no no," I heard Jess from across the room. "No!"

"Did I say something?" He asked immediately worry and sadness on his face.

"No. I just. I... I..."

"Hey. Look," he lowered his voice. "I know how it is to have an embarrassing friend. I have some very immature family members back at home. Dont let her ruin your night. Its your birthday. Have fun. Ignore her. Just pay attention to me beautiful," he said touching my cheek his voice low and deep.

My heart fluttered. Holy shit he was hot.

"I... I ..."

He grinned and dropped his hand.

"Breathe. Didnt mean to make you have a heart attack," he said trying not to laugh.

"Didnt know I was that easily flattered," I said breathless.

"Youre very cute flattered," he said.

I took a large sip of my drink. "T-thank you," I whispered.

He nodded and the food came over. I slowly ate "didnt you order anything for yourself?" I asked.

"No. Not really hungry," he said

I nodded and looked down. "How much do I owe you?" I asked.

"Im not going to make the birthday girl pay," he grinned.

I blushed again

"Um..." he hesitated.


"Do you want to go back to my apartment? I promise I wont do anything shady. Just to watch some movies. Get away from your embarrassing friend," he said the last bit louder so she could hear for sure.

"I Um..." I am never going to hear the end of it If I say no. Im never going to hear the end of it if I say yes.

"You dont have too," he said. "I wont be upset at all," he smiled.

I looked at Jess and she nodded. "Ill be fine," she mouthed.

Fuck it. "Sure. Why not," I said finally.

He instantly smiled taking my hand. "Ill finish my fish and chips then we can leave?" I said.

He nodded "sure," he smiled.

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