"why? What's the problem?"

"there's no one left from my family so who's DNA are you going to match with me?"

"I guess that's not your concern. You should just follow the rules and we'll take care of the rest."

She nodded and got up from her seat following Jimin.

"I'm sure it's Kang MinYeong." Yoongi said.

"of course.. Who else can it even be?" Hobi said

"but why is he doing these? What's his problem?" Eunseo asked.

"us.... He just can't bear seeing us happy..." Jin said while looking down.

"why is your face like that? Shouldn't you be happy that everything is okay now?" Jungkook asked seeing Jin's expressionless face with sad eyes.

Jin didn't say anything and just forced a small smile.

"what are you going to do?" Ella asked sitting down in front of Sookyung in her chamber.

She sighed and said, "I don't know. I just don't feel like thinking anything now."

"When are you going to tell him?"

"isn't it too soon?"

"I don't think so. I think it's too late."

"what do you-"

"he started remembering many things."


"he saw SeokJin in his dreams."

Sookyung stared at her with parted lips and and shook her head. "he shouldn't find out."

"You're doing wrong aunty... How much more are you gonna hide it? One day he'll find out by himself and will misunderstand you.... Things now might get easier for Tae to find out as he's back......"

"Mr. Park the results are out." the scientist said walking out of the laboratory.

"what does it say?" Jimin asked getting up from his seat and putting his phone back to his pocket.

He stayed silent for some seconds then said, "they matched...."

"Eunseo!" Jimin ran towards the cafeteria of the hospital where everyone was sitting down while talking about things and eating some snacks.

Hearing him, everyone looked at the direction where he was coming from.

"woa! Woa! Slow down bro!" Eunseo said and turned around to save herself from getting hurt if by chance he fell.

Jimin stopped holding the table which made it jerk backwards making everyone jump.

"what the hell!" Yoongi shouted and stood up while they started laughing seeing his face.

Because of the sudden force from Jimin, the hot dog he was eating smacked against his face and fell down on the ground and only the sauce was left spread on his whole right cheek.

"sorry, sorry I was in a hurry."


"leave it and go wash your face I have a very important news to share."

"Am I in too?" Eunseo asked entering her head into the circle over Jimin's arm.

"ah obviously you're the most important! I need to ask you about a very important thing."

"wait for me I'm coming." Yoongi said and ran into the men's washroom.

"well somedays ago you introduced a friend of yours to me right?" Jimin asked.

"yeah Jimin right?"


"wait, repeat it I didn't understand." Jungkook said.

"somedays ago I met him in a mall and one of my friends was with me so I introduced them."

"and she even had the same name as me."

"woah! So what about it?" Hobi asked.

Jimin took a deep breath and asked Eunseo, "first tell me is she your best friend or something like that?"

"yeah she's a good friend whom I met abroad when I went to study."

"oh... If I say something offensive about her will you get angry?"

"of course why won't I?"

"then get out you don't need to know." he said and turned to the other guys and opened his mouth to say something.

"ok, ok I won't."

"don't tell her about this ok?"

"okey okey she won't! Now please tell us." Yoongi said getting annoyed.

He took a deep breath and gazed at all of them. "where's Jin hyung though?"

"aish! We can tell him later too now please! Please tell us what is it." Jungkook whined while joining his hands.

Jimin blinked twice. "I think she's my sister, I mean I don't believe but I think she's my sister."

Jin stood in front of Taehyung's lying figure with tears in his eyes.

He knelt down to his level and took his hand between his palms and rested his forehead on them.

He sniffed and coughed as a whimper left his mouth.

"I missed you."

Neh,,,, I ain't revealing the secret so easily. You gotta wait a little.

And about the plot twist?

That is the secret 😃.....

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